Chapter 3

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"What's going on here?" Elise asked again

"Well Mr. Smarty here stole some stuff so I had to.... talk to him about it." Ashton said making up something on the spot

"Yeah sorry Elise" kellen said running his hands through his hair going along with Ashton's plan.

"Alright you two. Get to bed on time and if I hear one more thing from either of you I swear it will be the last thing you do." Elise said buying into what Aston said and and walked out of the room slowly closing the door.

"Wow, sassy much?" Kellen said. But Ashton's face stayed straight. "Or not." Kellen said after a moment of silence.

"Okay Kellen so plan is we will sneak into the bank and get into a persons account somehow and return the money to the guy from what we gathered. " Ashton said

"You lost me and then got my attention in the words bank and money but I missed everything else." Kellen said scratching his head. Aston slammed his palm on his forehead and dragged his hand down his face until his hand rolled off his chin.

"You know what? Well wing it okay?" Ashton said annoyed

Kellen and Ashton got dressed into black and left through the window that Elise could see open if she came in instead of using the door that was 5ft away from where they where.


Elise sat in her bed and looked out the window. In a dramatic way like out of a drama movie trying to seem like that girl that everyone loves but is barely in the movie. Elise noticed something moving outside and opened the window and screamed


"Chill bro." They shouted back up. I heard another person shout at him.

"Ashton? Kellen? What are you two doing!" Elise said loyd enough for them to hear

"Uuhhhhh." Ashton said looking over at Kellen

"Ummm. Nothing?" Kellen responded.

"We'll be back before 6 a.m" Elise said rubbing her tired eyes.

"Well do." Kellen said

And Ashton and Kellen walked off into the cool night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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