Chapter 2

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Kellen and Autumn had gone upstairs, that left Elise and Ashton downstairs together.
"Ashton, can you help me clean up the plates?" Elise asked.
"No I'm um busy." Ashton said looking around for something to pick up or clean
"Really Ashton? Stop lying!" Elise complained
"What? I don't know what your talking about. Stop blaming me for nothing!" Ashton said, still looking for something to do. Elise purses her lips and looked at Ashton who didn't notice her looking in his direction.
"Psst, Ashton." Elise said tapping Ashton's shoulder
"Oh hey Elise." Ashton said slowly running his fingers through his messy hair.
"Here, clean this." Elise said handing him a plate with ketchup and meat grease and pieces of corn littered all over the plate.
"Oh, I was just looking for something to do, you do help me sometimes." Ashton said obviously disappointed in the fact he got stuck cleaning dishes.


Elise jumped and Ashton screamed like a little girl.
"KELLEN, AUTUMN! WHAT DID YOU TWO BREAK THIS TIME?" Elise screamed knowing exactly what happened
"THE PORCELAIN DISHES!" Autumn screamed you could hear Kellen trying to keep her quiet and take back what she said although it was the truth, they had broken about 5 in the last week.

Elise ran up the stairs with a broom and Ashton stayed put.

Ding ding

The phone was ringing Ashton walked over there curious but uncertain.
"Hello, this is the cooks residence." Ashton said making up a name off the top of his head.
"Hey, have you happen to see a boy with blue hair tell me and his name is Kellen." The voice said in a heavy New York accent
"Why?" Ashton said his palms sweating
"He robbed me." The man said casually
"Okay, if I see him I'll tell you, goodbye." Ashton said trying not to scream
"Goodbye, Ashton." The man said and as he said Ashton's name the man hung up.
"KELLEN, WHO DID YOU ROB!" Ashton screamed
"HOW DID YOU KNOW?" Kellen screamed
"GET DOWN HERE!" Ashton said slamming the phone down on the counter breaking the back side off.
"Yes sir." Kellen said as he reached to bottom of the stairs.
"What did you rob from that man?" Ashton asked
"Money for Autumn's ability to attend school." Kellen said shrugging his shoulders.
"Okay in that case how can we get the money to pay back this guy? Anymore brilliant ideas Kellen?" Ashton said the last part sarcastically

"I don't know you tell me." Kellen said sitting down. Ashton glared at him.

"Follow me." Ashton said cooly

"Why?" Kellen asked

"BECAUSE." Ashton screamed then cleared his throat "because I am asking you too."

Kellen followed Ashton into the bedroom

"Look we need to talk." Ashton said


"Okay that's all the pieces." Elise said feeling accomplished and she heard Ashton scream at Kellen and she shook her head.

"Elise. Why is Kellen getting in trouble?"  Autumn asked

"I don't know. But I know it's time for you to go to bed." Elise said trying to be super happy

"Stop trying so hard I know you are the happiest person ever!" Autumn said trying to tell Elise to be herself.

"Go brush your teeth okay?" Elise said lightly pushing Autumn towards the bathroom. Autumn turned around and nodded and Elise got Autumns bed ready for her.

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" Autumn screamed in Elise's face

"AAHH" Elise screamed shooting straight up she hit Autumn's head with her own head

"Ow!" They said at the same time and Autumn began laughing and she fell of the bed. This made Elise fall back onto the pillow laughing.

"Really it is time for bed." Elise said after she calmed down

"Fine." Huffed Autumn

"Night night." Elise said to Autumn

"Keep the boys in track while I'm sleeping will you?" Autumn said

"Sure thing." Elise said.

Elise walked briskly down the the boys

"What's going on here?"


Hmm what will Elise walk in on? (No smut) also I may make a question time chapter and you can PM or comment some questions you want them to answer. Or any challenges you want them to do even the Andy's Coming  thing.

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