Chapter 1

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  "KELLEN GET UP!" Ashton screamed

  "WHAT DO YOU WANT! By the way did you make my favorite breakfast by any chance?" Kellen asks then sees Astons face filling up with anger, his face was so hot from anger that it could boil water
"No? Okay." Kellen said but confused why Ashton was so mad. Then Kellen looked over at the clock it was 10:00
  "Oh I'm so sorry I forgot to set the alarm to drive the Autumn to school!" Kellen exclaimed
  "No need to hurry I dropped them off a while ago." Ashton said but still his face was full of anger.

  Kellen got up to leave the room but forgot his cloths in the room. He slept in only some loose pants, so Kellen rushed back to the room
"Might need these." Kellen said as he slipped on a shirt and shorts. He snapped his fingers and ran off to the kitchen where he made his pancakes and covered the kitchen in flour.

  "How do you manage this every time!" Ashton said laughing

  "Well it's a nice natural look, don't you think? Flour suits this kitchen well." Kellen said making a joke of his mistake

"So modern. So sophisticated." Ashton said humoring him with a small grin

"Ashton! Do I see a smile? This is very serious business here! We are deciding the fate of our kitchen!" Kellen said and began to laugh making Ashton laugh as well.

"Hey." Elise said sleepily

"Hey sleeping beauty." Kellen joked

"I know, I'm beautiful." Elise retorted earning a small laugh from Ashton. Elise smiled at her accomplishment.

"What smells so good?" Elise asked after moments of silence

"Pancakes." Kellen said

"Who made them?" Elise asked before saying anything else

"Me of course!" Kellen smirked

"Pop tarts sound good today." Elise said Kellen laughed as he flipped the pancakes

"You sure?" Kellen asked Elise

"Positive! Do you not remember last time!" Elise replied waving her arms in the air

"Oh yeah." Kellen said recalling the memory of when he had made her pancakes and they had a bunch of egg shell pieces in it and it was dry.

"Well, my pancakes will be better than a pop tart, I can tell you that much." Kellen said and Elise rolled her eyes

"Anything is better thank your pancakes." Elise muttered under her breath "Well I got to go get Autumn from school for her doctors appointment." Elise said as she walked out the door with her pop tart.

"Bye!" Ashton and Kellen said together

A few hours later Autumn ran through the door. And ran up to her room.

"Hey Autumn. Where is she?" Kellen asked

"She is getting changed." Elise said putting down her bags

"Oh, Elise, my pancakes where perfect."  Kellen said smiling  and getting a fake smile from Elise that turned into a I-Don't-Care face.

"Why is she getting changed?" Ashton asked
"She doesn't want to smell like the doctors office." Elise replied with a wide grin.
"KELLEN!" Autumn screamed as she ran down the stairs
"AUTUMN!" Kellen replied "How was the doctors?"
"Awful! I saw a lot of needles all around the room and then they asked me to sit in the chair thing and then they where seeing if my heart was going to stop beating and trying to see what needle to use to kill me!" Autumn said frowning Elise laughed and so did Kellen. Ashton backed out of the room silently for he knew what was about to happen.
"WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME!" Autumn screamed. Autumn hates being laughed at when she doesn't feel safe.
"No we aren't laughing at you we are laughing at your story because they want to help you not kill you." Kellen responded in a gentle voice
"Oh okay well let's go play a game!" Autumn said pulling Kellen's hand towards the door to the backyard. Elise started to make dinner and Ashton was still in the pantry because he fell asleep.

"DINNER!" Elise screamed
"AAAAHHH" screamed Ashton as he was awoken from his sleep
"FOOD!" Screamed Autumn as she ran to the house
"WHAT DID YOU SAY, ELISE?" Kellen asked
"DINNER COME ON KELLEN LETS GO!" Autumn yelled and Kellen scrambled to his feet and ran to the door of the house.
"Don't you start eating Mr. go wash your hands!" Autumn said, admonishing Kellen.
"Yes mom." Kellen said he smiled a little as he strutted off to the sink.
"Walk like a normal person Kellen." Elise said laughing
"But I ain't normal." Kellen said trying to sound like Autumn's kindergarten teacher from a few years ago. Ashton and Elise where laughing so hard that their eyes where watering and Autumn was bewildered
"What is so funny?" Autumn asked
"He's... trying to.... mimic... your kindergarten... teacher." Elise replied between laughs. Autumn was still confused and not getting the joke.
"Y'all need to go wash your hands now." Kellen said in a country accent as he came back from the bathroom. Elise laughed but did as she was asked. Ashton on the other hand just sat there.
"Ashton? Why ain't you washing your hands?" Kellen said in a country accent again
"Because I don't gotta." Ashton said in his country accent
"Oh is this a war now?" Kellen said in his normal dialect.
"BOYS SIT DOWN!" Autumn screamed the two boys where so surprised that they did what she said.

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