Reaper by Collin Tipton

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To, The Readers,

When I first saw the book's cover and saw the book is under fantasy genre my first thought was,this might be interesting as I love reading about fantasy and mythic stuffs. The blurb says that this story is an anime story based & parted by different episodes. Firstly, the short summery of the story makes its clear what's the story is about, which is nice. The author told us that this story's main character is a reaper named Karasu. Through the name of the story we get an idea that in the story there will be death-ness and maybe wars, so in the summery this thought got a surety stamp about it where it says "Karasu wields the power of the Ravens. the bird of the death." and his goal is to kill god someday. The reason of his goal and which god he wants to kill stayed unknown untill readers go through the book to know. Also there are episodes about angles who works for god as well as the reapers. I suggest you now if you can't take anything offensive saying or any kind of jokes on god then please do not read as the author has also said.

I think every dark anime lovers should give this book a read. The style of the writing is quite visual. A reader can easily imagine while reading. Karasu means crow or black bird in Japanese, the main character's name matches with the title; even if the title seems suitable the word is quite common and overused. In the story there are few unnoticed mistakes (just need a polishing) but this story is a lot unique from any other anime stories. It is ORIGINAL! Not an fan- fiction. This is the pros, and the cons is that some lines in the story is confusing , which somewhat didn't make sense at first what can cause confusion among the readers. It can take a little time to understand the purpose of those lines in the story. If there were more blank spaces in between different incidents, it would be easier to visualize in minds, how the story is moving one scene to another. As there ain't space, it seems like the story are jumping one to another scene very quickly. But I must say all over this fantasy drama book is good. As a non anime addict I'll still say give it a try everyone .

Three and a half stars on five.

[Personal note to the author: It's better if you don't mention of the word 'episode' in the story because the AU feeling goes away by it.]

-Sincerely, Shayla.

{P.S. - I was given this story to review by WattReview & by this genius reviewer I got to know that this guy @ColllinTipton wanted a review on his story. So, hope this helps. Love to see how this story is going to end.}


[Hi there, for the next review I am thinking of surprising someone. The author doesn't know I will be reading his/her story lol 

It takes time to finish a book so I could take time but I will try to be fast. (tbh I'm such an lazy person. I procrastinate a lot) 

update will be done after 7 days for sure.

So long, stay  wondrous. ^_^ 

~ Shayla ]

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