Stupid Hearts & Satin Dresses.

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Gwyn's POV:

I cant see anything.

First it was the tears that impaired my vision. They rolled down my face in a steady stream that blurred everything in my line of sight. Everything from my bookshelves standing tall and proud at the other side of the room to my hands directly in front of my face. I cried for my mom and dad and everything else that I had lost. The tears had eventually stopped, drying to my cheeks - tainted black because of my non-waterproof eyeliner - and I didnt know what to do from there. So I closed my eyes and I now refuse to open them. I refuse to open my eyes and face the reality that I am in. A reality in which he - he who shall not be named - is no longer with me, and I have no one left besides my brother.

I cant feel anything.

My head is too full and my heart is too numb. I cant feel the weight of the thousands of boulders crushing my soul to the ground inch by torturous fucking inch anymore, but I know that they are still there. I cant feel Andrew's arm around me, trying to calm me down as I sit on my bed, staring out my window in a kind-of Bella-Swan-In-New-Moon kinda way, but I know that he is there. I cant feel my brain raking through every memory of my mom and dad, making sure that I remember exactly what they look like. I cant feel my heart breaking into a thousand pieces over and over again. I cant feel it as it tries to reassemble itself only to fall apart again, and to be honest, I am not even sure that it is there anymore.

Because all the King's horses, and all the King's men, couldnt put Gwynnie together again...

But then again, maybe I dont wanna be fixed anymore. Maybe I dont wanna be put back together. Maybe I am tired of trying to be repaired and pieced back together to be this perfect little Marionette doll that they want me to be. I have never been perfect and I will never be perfect with all of these cracks in my porcelain skin. I will resign myself to be a little broken puppet girl dangling by her strings, letting the ache and despair within her chest be her puppeteer. Her master.

"Gwynnie..." his voice - so smooth and soft - sounds so far away. Like he is on Earth and I am on the moon somewhere, watching the clouds swirl over my planet in a beautiful dance while the sun brilliantly rises in the East. "I love you Gwynnie," Or maybe it's not my planet anymore. Maybe it's his. He's taken it. He has taken this planet from me. Just like he has taken everything from me. "I promise I'll never hurt you again Gwynnie." He has taken the sun from my sky and the smile from my face. The heart from my chest and the oxygen that I breathe. He has taken all of the love that I have ever let myself feel and washed it down the drain with the rain that never seems to stop pouring. "It's not like you actually thought that we had something" I can see the vast oceans that cover most of the planet. The push and pull of the waves. A force so powerful that it cant be stopped. A tsunami that destroys everything in it's path, leaving nothing behind.

No life. No survivors.

Just like him. He is a tsunami that destroys everything in his path, leaving nothing behind. No life. No survivors.

No promises.

"Gwyn, you need to snap out of it," Andrew's voice cuts through the fog in my head and pulls me towards sanity. "Come on Gwynevere, snap out of it," I cant snap out of it.

I cant snap out of it because every time that I close my eyes, he is there. He is there, with his voice like silk and his rainstorm-in-the-amazon eyes that seem to want to draw me in and lull to sleep. I can never escape him. Not in reality and not within my imagination. Even in the darkest depths on my mind, he has still found a way to linger.

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