Bubby... Bubby please...

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Gwyn's POV:

"What the hell are we supposed to do, dude?! Just sit here with our heads up our asses?! She's fucking out cold and he hasn't come back yet. He left almost a fucking hour ago! What if someone notices the little bitch is gone and decides to come looking for her?! Better yet, what if someone notices that we are missing and someone comes looking for us?" the voice is rushed and panicked. It jolts me into consciousness and wipes the sleep from my brain. I'm way out of it and for a second I dont know where the hell I am or how the hell I got here.

"You sure do ask a lot of questions.." a second voice mumbles and I remember that deep voice.  It sends shivers down my spine.

"Are you looking for something?" his voice is super deep and his mouth twirls up into a twisted grin as he takes a step closer to me and I try to take a step away, promptly stumbling over my dress.

"Why don't we just blast her brains out now and get it over with? Finally fucking end this?!" the rushed voice speaks again and I have to squint my eyes and hold my breath to stop the sobs that want to work their way through my body. The tears crash against my eyes like a dam that is on the brink of crumbling. I can feel the sweat begin to form on my forehead, and I know that I am only going to be able to keep my composure for so long before they notice that my breathing is erratic and they know that I am awake.

I can feel my hands begin to slightly shake and I try to steady them. A sure sign of a panic attack. Or a complete mental breakdown. I want to cry and scream. Thrash about even though I know that my hands are tied behind my back and I am laying face down on the floor. I want to yell at the top of my lungs, throwing slurs left and right at the fuckers that came into my home and messed up my entire fucking life.  

But I dont. I dont do any of that. These men might not kill me, but they will use extreme force to keep me quiet. I know. I have seen them do it before. They are more than capable. They will hit me and they will beat me black and blue and they will enjoy every minute of it. I might not be able to stop the fact that their boss is going to come back and that I am going to die today, but I can at least make sure that there is a minimal amount of damage done to my body beforehand.

I can at least make sure that I dont go down without some sort of fight, even if that "fight" means not giving them the satisfaction of seeing me beg for mercy. I wont let my parents death be for nothing.  

The man with the deep voice speaks again and his words only increase the terror that is running through my veins, and I try my hardest to push the emotions down as deep as they will go and . I know what they will do to me when they find out that I am awake, and I dont want to suffer like my mom and dad did.. 

I wont let them break me. I wont. 

I might be an emotionally unstable girl with a great knack for crying at the worst times, but I know when a life or death situation presents itself and this would be one of those times.  

"I dont know about you, but I would rather not get my brains blown out of the back my head because you decided that you wanted to get a little trigger happy, asshole!" the sound of shuffling and then a sharp smack before a string of curses comes from the first guy, "Boss would kill both of us if we denied him the chance to kill the bitch, so we are going to stand here and wait for him to get back like the good little henchmen that we are supposed to be," the second guy says and then another sharp smack. 

"Fine. Fine! I get it! "Good little henchmen". Ya didnt have to hit me upside the head, dick," the first guy mumbles. 

"I already got this nasty ass black-eye because I hit the bitch too hard and I knocked her out," another moment of silence. "I aint going through that shit again," 

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