Chapter One The Past!

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Chapter 1 The Past!

I am Brandon. I am
a super hero. This
is my story. This is
my adventure.

It started in a city that was
divided by light and darkness.
It wasn't always divided but
people divided it.

I was born on the bright side.
I wasn't born rich but not poor
either. I was raised in a very
strict household.

My family believed in a path
called brutal light. They raised
me in the same path. The path
was supposed to be about love.

Truth is they only loved who
walked their same path. The
path of brutal light. The path
held many things as evil.

I was to keep my hair short
and always wear a suit. I was
to always shave my face and
never curse.

I was to never do or have any bad
habits. I stayed away from smoking
and bad music. I was the typical
good guy.

I walked this path all my life. One
day though I started to see things
different. I started to question. I
started to look at everything.

I started talking to my friends
and family about it. Truth is
we were to never question
the path of brutal light.

People and family started to
look at me different. They
started to wonder about me.
They warned me of my path.

I tried to forget everything.
I gave up questioning and
started to just live as I was

The questions still lingered
inside of me. What is the
true importance of life?
Who am I really?

I started to do my research.
Years later I found what was
important to me! I started to
teach it to everybody else.

I started to lead many people.
I started to rebel against the
ways I had been taught. I was
angry at the lies I had been told.

I was angry at the fact one man
had made the rules of life and
everybody else followed them
without question!

One man controlled the minds of
many. One man told everybody
else what to like and not like!
One man judged all!

I rebelled against his power seeking
independence. I would not let anybody
control my thoughts and my actions.
I would control my own life!

I would teach the truth about brutal
light everywhere. They didn't like it.
They came hunting me down. They
committed the first murder!

It was the first time I had seen anybody
die. The first time someone died for
believing different. The first time for
being different.

They were afraid of our power. They
were afraid of our teachings. They
were afraid of individuality! They
murdered one and then another.

The murders continued non stop!
It was time for us to fight back.
We started to pick up weapons.
We started to defend ourselves.

The light we had known to be so
loving had become brutal! We
started to see and know the truth
behind it!

We were few among many. We
had to escape! We were made
outcast in the city of light. We
were branded heretics!

We escaped into a part of the
city that was separated from
the rest. Truth is I was the only
person that survived the escape!

I hated the light now! I flew
to close to the sun and got
burned. Everywhere around
me was light still.

Months later the brutal light
found me. They never stopped
seeking me out. They destroyed
the city and left it in darkness!

From this time forward the city
was always dark. I grew to love
the darkness. They had locked
me in the city to be my prison.

It became my home! I found
a greater strength within it.
It came in the form of a girl.
A woman who loved the dark!

Her name was Jennifer. She
became my best friend!
Together we took over the
city. Some would say refuge.

We killed the brutal light that
held us prisoners within the
city. She had no reason to
kill them other than me.

She hated them because I
hated them. That was all
the reason she needed.
I never told her why I
hated them.

In time I told her I was on
the run. I never told her
why or from who! She
never cared to know.

One day though she did
curious. That was when
we moved to an old

I took the cheapest room
available. It had no
importance to me where
I stayed. A room is a room.

Inside of this room I found
a book. It was called The
Overcomers. It was part
of a series called Loving

In this book was all the information
I needed. Everything I had found out
during my old research was in this
book! This book however went further!

It put the love back inside of me. I
had forsaken love after the murders
and war with brutal light. I had threw
it all away!

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