Chapter 4 Love Gang!

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Chapter 4 Love Gang!

I was sitting in my room eating some
noodles. A knock was at the door. It
was Tarkarot! He came looking for

Jennifer wasn't here though it
was only me. He told me a story
that was going on. Brutal light
was in our city going at it again!

A man was going through the
city preaching against smoking
and drinking. He was murdering
anybody and everybody that did
the habit!

Tarkarot being a man of both
habits really wanted to get this
guy! He offered me a gun but
I refused it. I only need my hands!

We drove around the city for a
while looking for the guy but did
not find him. We eventually gave
up and returned to my room.

Jennifer was back and this made
Tarkarot happy. He asked Jennifer
to help him build his love gang and
she agreed to do it.

This gang would be built on the
principles of loving light. It was
based on the heroic and
dangerous side of loving light.

They went to the streets handing
out flyers of recruitment. Only the
brave would join the group and
those who had a strong sense of

This group and its members only
had one purpose in life. To seek
out and destroy hate! They
dressed like gangsters.

They had a very strong hard
dangerous appearance. Their
appearance was to match their
attitudes. They had to be cold.

They were very loving but they
had to be stand offish because
they were very serious. They
never knew who or where the
enemy was.

They had to be war ready at all
times. They didn't like to kill but
they would kill very quickly if
they had to!

They would do whatever it took
to end hate, negativity and violence.
Tarkarot now on the good loving side
still couldn't leave the bad boy image.

There's a difference between being
a hero and a super hero. A hero spreads
love through teachings but a super hero
stands up and fights against wrong doing!

The love gang no matter how negative
they seemed to be were super heroes.
They had a strong sense of right and
stood against wrong doings.

They would use any weapon and method
necessary to fight and defeat evil doers!
Tarkarot was the founder and many followed
his ways. They put their lives on the line to
help others everyday!

Some people found them nosey and
disruptive. They were always sticking
their nose in other people's business
the people would say.

When fighting against hate like they
did I guess one could think such about
them. They always were interrupting
fights and highly tensed situations.

The love gang loved to be loved
and hated to be hated! They
loved all and only hated hate
itself! They were peacekeepers.

They fought many battles against
hate. They still had their eyes set
on the guy who was brutal light.
Who knows how many smokers
he had killed by now!?

All over the news were stories about
missing people and smokers getting
murdered. The others were drinkers.
Brutal light always poisons everything
they touch!

As much as I hate them I'm just
like them. I've had so many fights
with Tarkarot and his gang. I am
a man that loves suits!

Everyday I throw It in their face.
They need to get a new dress
code and start wearing suits!
I see their energy being drained
every time I do it.

I am a man of love I am but
they would probably call me
a hater. They would say I'm
always hating on their style.

I can't help but condemn them
for their style though. I just wish
they dressed like men and not
like animals!

Jennifer would wear black dresses
and keep a pistol in a holster. Black
was their dress code. Everything
all black! It was the code link.

They wore black as a code to let
everybody know they were about
deletion. The code of deleting all
things which goes against love!

They kept a moon symbol on
everything. The moon was the
representation of loving light.
They viewed it as their mother.

The moon was their one and
only mother. They didn't
consider their birth mother
as mother.

She was the vessel in which
the real mother allowed them
into the world through. She
was the past version of themselves
steadily descending.

The moon mother descends into
the physical mother and the
physical mother descends into
the child.

The string that connects it all
is love! Everlasting immortal
unconditional love! Through
love all is all and nobody is
a stranger.

This thinking was only rooted
within the deeper parts of the
love gang and loving light.
Not all shared the same views.

The sun was seen as the
brutal and cruel father which
gave birth to the brutal light.
This may be why I loved the

I was raised by brutal light
and they indeed seen the sun
as father. The reason they wish
to separate themselves from all
forms of darkness as the sun.

The darkness they separate themselves
from can be anything they call darkness
or view as evil. This is like me and my
hate for men not wearing suits!

Same about my hate for women not
wearing dresses. This is probably the
only reason Jennifer still wears a dress.
Tarkarot was hard on that criminals case.

Aron was on a mission to find and defeat
some guy. The guy was angry about
Tarkarot killing his uncle back in the day.
The guy was going on a rampage!

The reason love couldn't truly exists
in the world is because of brutal
light and hate. Everybody looking
down on everybody and having
a negative opinion about another.

I knew that but yet I still had to
draw my lines. People not dressing
like what sex they are would never sit
right with me.

Jennifer created a camera and lunched
it into the sky. The camera looked like
an eye within the moon. This camera
watched over the entire city.

This camera could see and hear everything
within the city. This camera made it easy
for the love gang to know who and where
the enemies were.

Crime rates never dropped so quickly
before! The love gang was active and
defeating evil doers all over the city.
There was nowhere hate was allowed.

All people of hate were afraid to walk
the streets and eventually started to
become smarter. They still couldn't do
too much with the big eye In the sky!

Tarkarot finally found his criminal.
He went out with his gang to the
location. Tarkarot took the guy
down with much pleasure.

Aron took down his guy and
completed his mission. He had
no help from the big eye though.
He simply just tracked him down.

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