Chapter 16 Rainbow Light!

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Chapter 16 Rainbow Light

I can't believe It! I can't believe it! Everybody is dead!
Everybody is dead! I am hiding deep within a hole I
created. I can't believe it! Everybody is dead!

I don't know if the enemy is darkness or one
of the lights I've studied. I can't tell. He was
saying all sorts of weird stuff. Who is he!?
I don't know. My whole life has ended!

He spoke about the darkness, the sun,
the moon, love and light. Who is he?
What is he here for?

He said when all things come together
then does all things come to an end.
What does that even mean!? This
guy is crazy!

In just minutes he flattened the city.
His power was unbelievable! He
was of a rainbow color! I don't know.
He said all must fuse in the end.

All creation must join together and
create anew. I don't get any of it.
He said the path of triple three must
be completed.

What is triple three!? He said a lot
of mumble mumble random things.
The other thing he said is that all
of... What was it?

Yeah... That all ancestors are the
descendants and all descendants
are the ancestors. That all cycles
cycle within cycles which end cycles.

What does any of that mean!? He
said that all sees that sees within
eyes not having eyes that see.
Am I in a puzzle game right now?

I don't understand any of these
puzzles! What purpose do they
have and would they even make
sense if they were found out?

I can't believe today could be my
last day alive. As a super hero I
expect as much but nobody really
expects it truly.

This guy has killed all the other
immortals and made them bow
before him. He stands in his own
putrid righteousness.

He bows to no man but yet acknowledges
all men. He swings his own sword but yet
dances to the music of all men. He swags
to his own style but sways to the style of

He gushes with his own pride but flows
to the pride of others. He flies when he
swims and swims when he walks. He
is the completed force of all creation!

He is void but he is yet filled. He knows
that in order to know takes knowing
nothing. His only limit is a limited limit
without being limitless.

I don't know what all of that mumble
means. Should I even care to know
what it means!? I think this is why
they say it's best to learn from

If you get too stuck on words you'll
get distracted away from the meanings.
I was totally blown away from words
and meanings!

Whatever this guy is he seems to
possibly be of the greater ancients.
The ones who came before all.
The ones that tipped the scales for

He sure has tipped my scale possibly
a bit too far. He tipped me underground!
I'm out here stuck in this hole like a little
mole or something.

Hmm...!? Hmm...!? All that was has vanished
in all that is and all that is has vanished in
all that will be. Now the purpose is completed.
Hmm...? Hmmm...? Book closed!

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