Part 3

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There will be increasing sexual themes, you have been warned. Also please let me know what you think. I would really like to hear from you guys. Also would people prefer the next chapter to be in Kakashi's POV? Let me know in the comments :) Enjoy!

Part 3

The water was warm on my skin, like tiny little fingers massaging my body. I felt like all the negativity and fear wash away with my blood, sweat, and accumulated mud. Pretty disgusting actually, come to think of it. I washed as best I could, avoiding the gashes all over my body, it was already so many different colours from the bruising I would have looked very at home with a group of chameleons. Touching my face I changed my mind; feeling how puffy my lips were and how sore my jaw was, I could definitely give a clown a run for its money.

My fingers brushed over my lips, my breath stopped in my throat, I was pulled back into that moment, when I had kissed him, I felt my body awaken at the thought. My cheeks radiated heat, and I could feel myself blushing all over again, shortly followed by my deepening embarrassment. The guy was only trying to help me, and I took that, warped it and just threw myself on him. I mean who does that?

I tried to shake the horrid, self-loathing thoughts out of my head. I had already washed my hair and my body was clean, or as good as. I turned off of the shower and stepped out onto a soft towel, draped over the side was a larger towel and bathrobe. He had forethought that's for sure and obviously had a routine when he got home. I patted myself dry, and wrapped myself up in Kakashi's bathrobe, it was soft and extremely long. Was I really that short? I snuggled myself into it, it smelt clean, but there was no mistake, it smelt of him. I quivered a little at the thought and mentally slapped myself. That is no way to think of the nice man who stopped me from drowning. Floozy!

I went to the door almost casually, when I stopped again, I felt panic hit me, I would have to walk out like this, and look at him after what I did. Crap! Crap! Crap! I took a deep breath. I was a powerful ninja! I could deal with anything. I nodded my head in agreement with myself as if that would have made any difference and opened the door.

Well, I wasn't expecting to see that...

I was greeted with the sight of Kakashi, in the middle of pulling his top off in the living room, top pulled over his head and my jaw dropped. In the warm hue of the light, I saw his defined torso, toned muscles rippled over his stomach, with that wonderful groove from his hips to his...his... I had to catch myself from letting a moan of appreciation escape, and as soon as I had opened it, I slammed the door closed again. I felt like I was on fire, I wanted to be very close to that body, to touch it.

I needed to stop this stupid thinking, I felt like I was a teenager with my hormones raging all over the place, I couldn't keep my head straight. How dare he do something like that, you know, like take his top off in his own home. Completely and utterly selfish! I mentally sniggered. I was so stupid.

Adult head on now, I must get to the bedroom, at all costs, and stop being a stupid girl. Yes. I gingerly turned the handle and resolved that I would not look in the direction of the main living space. It was the only way that I could perceive, that meant I wasn't sleeping in the bathroom all night. I doubt sleeping on the toilet would be as comfortable as it sounded, which on second thought wasn't all that appealing in the first place.

As I opened the door I averted my eyes and made a b-line for the bedroom, it was only a few steps away, but the torture of not looking his way was excruciating. However, I had made it and I pushed the door to behind me. Bandages, ointment and plasters had been put on the bed as he had said. There was also a set of Kakashi's dark blue pyjamas folded neatly on the end, looking at them more closely  I saw they were fairly similar to the ones I had when I was last at home.

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