Chapter 1 : The Investigation Begins

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the BAU characters, but i do own the suspects and the victims.
Warning: graphic torture/rape scenes to come in future chapters

Please enjoy, and leave any constructive criticism and advice below! this is my first criminal minds story so i am open to ALL of your tips/advice!! :)
Happy reading!


They gathered around the round table early that morning. JJ and Reid making jokes and laughing softly; Emily, Derek and Dave talking quietly while drinking coffee.

"Hello my wonderful crime fighters, prepare your pretty little brains, because this is a bad one." Garcia chirped. How she remained so upbeat and positive stunned everyone.
Hotch gave her the eye and she knew she had to continue.

"Right, sorry sir. So the Miami Police have requested our help to catch a psycho killer. He has killed 3 women that we know of," She said, clicking to display the images of the smiling women.
"First we have Olivia Parker, 33, single, and works for the local bank. She was found dumped in a garbage can, four days after she was reported missing by a coworker."

"What did the M.E find?" Reid asked.
"There was evidence of multiple rapes, beatings, restraints and stab wounds to her stomach, thighs, and arms."

Everyone in the room grimaced after Garcia showed the pictures of these women when they were found.
"He did that much damage in four days?" Prentiss asked, glancing through the files.

"This guy is crazy messed up, and when I say crazy I mean the craziest of crazies. He kept them awake the whole time, and they were severely dehydrated." Garcia added.

"What about the other victims?" Rossi questioned.

"Oh, they had it even worse than Olivia. Here we have Kayla Wilson. She was 32, and she worked as a criminal defense lawyer."

Garcia paused and let the profilers read the M.E report for themselves. She waited for their reaction once they finished.

"He...had her call her parents twice before killing her?" JJ observed as the others began thinking of what this meant for the case.

"I warned you, he's a psycho." Garcia said, wincing at the thought of the poor parents who had to get that call.

"He clearly likes watching the woman suffer, making her talk to her parents while being so far away really messes with the girls mental state. He wants to break them down, knowing there is nothing the parents can do." Reid spit out.

"He obviously has complete control over his victims, and has a secure place that he can take them. He's confident that nobody will find them." Morgan said.

"We still have one more woman, Natalie Smith. 35, single, and she worked as a restaurant manager."

"All three women have brown eyes, but Natalie has blonde hair, while Olivia and Kayla have brown. Physical appearance might not be the biggest factor here." Rossi though out loud.

"He seems to go after strong, single women in high power job positions." JJ added.

"He probably has issues with women with power, so he might work in the lower class." Hotch said, gathering his files up.

"The rape and beatings were severe, whatever his issue is, its deeply rooted in his past." Prentiss said shaking her head, still thinking of other possibilities.

"If he's sticking to his pattern, he's already abducted another woman, wheels up in 30."


After landing in Miami, the team set up in the Miami PD office. JJ set up the board with the young women's pictures, and Reid began analyzing a map.

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