Chapter 6

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chapter 6

disclaimer: i do not own any of the criminal minds characters, i do own the victims/suspects/officers.

this story will become very dark and may contain material that upsets some peoole
RATED : Mature Audiences only

please leave any comments below, this is my first criminal minds fabrication! please let me know what i can do better!


Emily felt like a corpse. A dead body, lying on the thin mattress of the iron frame bed.
When Ryan was finally done, he kissed her and explored her mouth with his tongue. When he pulled back she spit at him.

"You bi–" Chris said as he walked over to the bed angrily.

Chris stopped him. "No man, it's okay. She's a fiesty one. Guys are gunna love 'er" He said smiling, and wiping away the spit.

"Go to hell." Emily spat at them.

They both smiled at her and Chris walked Ryan up the stairs to leave, and Emily was left alone.
The emotions began tearing down her walls. She could feel the burning tears, just waiting to come down.

"No. They don't get to break you like this. You're stronger than them." She mentally told herself.

But when she blinked, one tear managed to escape and slid down her cheek.


At the station, things were chaotic. Hotch was informing all the officers who the suspect was, and reminding them what Emily looked like. He told them to look for any suspicious behavior, and to report to the team often.

"So at 11:32pm the cameras outside show two men carrying Prentiss outside to a black van, and throwing her in. God, they couldn't be a little more gentle?" Garcia sighed sadly.

"Thanks Garcia, keep looking for any surveillance cameras in the area that might've picked something up." Hotch said to the technical analyst.

"Got it" She said determined, hanging up.

"Okay, now we know that at least two guys are involved in this. Maybe they were planning this the whole time?" Morgan suggested.

"But how would they have known we were coming when we did?" JJ asked.

"Maybe Chris saw Emily when you talked to him, and needed to have her. Most rapists don't pick their victims in advance, it's more of a sudden impulse." Reid recalled.

"Well we know that Chris has her, but we just need to find out where. The officers already checked his home and it was clear, like we assumed." Hotch said to the team. "But where else would he take his victims?"


When Chris walked back down Emily could tell he was excited.

"Emily, you're different from the others . The other begged and pleaded for me and my buddies to stop. You.." he paused. "You're strong. I like that about women." He said stroking her cheek.

She tried to get away from his touch, but he grabbed her chin and made her face him, as he massaged her exposed breasts.

"I wanna try somethin' new with you." He said, undoing one handcuff. He held onto her wrist until he handcuffed it to the other side, and flipped her on to her back.

She couldn't hold back the words that came out of her mouth.
"Please no..." She said, barely audible.

"Oh yes, this will be fun. Enjoy it baby."  He said, taking his pants off.

He got on top of her back, and she felt his hard member against her upper thighs. She once again felt bile rise in her throat.

She felt his tip at her anal opening, and as soon as he thrusted inside her, she felt pain that was worse than before. Pain that blinds you, tears you in two. She bit down on her lip so hard she began tasting metal. She gripped the bed frame so hard, she lost feeling in her fingers.

She heard his soft moaning behind her, and felt his warm breath on her back. Every time he would thrust into her, he went deeper and deeper.

Then the walls began rebuilding themselves. Her eyes became emotionless, and the pain lessened.


The team worked for hours, trying to find places where Chris could've taken Emily. Garcia worked endlessly searching through his past time give them any clues.

"Hey babygirl, whatcha got for us?"

"Oh, have I got something! Chris's dad owned a farm, well maybe you would call it a country home because he didn't use it for farming. Anyway, it is 2 hours away from here and any sort of civilization, very private. Seems like a good place for this psycho to take out Emily." Garcia said excitedly.

"It's two hours away, that means we need to leave right now. We will call and talk on the way. Nobody goes in alone, understand?" Hotch said.

Everyone nodded and went to the SUV's to find Emily.

Thirty minutes into the ride, Derek began pressing down even harder on the gas.

"Derek, what are you doing? You're going over ninety miles per hour. If we crash, we can't save her." Rossi pointed out.

Derek just kept his eyes on the road, as the speedometer reached one hundred.

"Derek! Slow down!" Rossi said, trying to get him to come back to reality.

"Sorry man, we just need to get there. Imagine what this psycho has already done to her. I can't..." He paused, thinking about what he wanted to say, "I should've been there Rossi. I was suppose to be her partner and she was taken by this sick creep."

"You can't blame yourself for this. Chris knew he needed her the minute he laid eyes on her when you talked to him. Nobody could've seen this coming, including you." Rossi assured him.

"What if she isn't...isnt herself after this. I mean we see rape victims everyday, and they shut down. We can't...we can't lose her Dave." Morgan said softly, trying to remain optimistic, but struggling under the circumstances.

"Prentiss is strong. She always has been, and even if she puts her walls up and tries to block us out, we will all be there for her. She's our family." said Rossi.

Morgan just nodded and kept looking at the road.

One and a half hours had passed since they left the station. Sirens blaring the whole time as they sped to save their friend.

Reid was looking out the window as they passed through a relatively small town. He saw many people whipping out their phones, texting and taking pictures.

"It's probably the most 'excitement' they've seen in a while" He thought.

However, one man was doing much more.

He sent a single text: "They're coming"

Thanks for reading & reviewing everyone!! I hope you continue reading, as i have big plans for this story!

Goodnight EmilyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora