Chapter 3 : 18 Months Later

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CHAPTER 3 : 18 Months Later

~~~Stiles's POV~~~

It's been 18 months since I moved to Australia, and I can honestly say that it has been the best 18 months of my life.

Zara is still the same fashionista that I met on my first day. I've learned so much from her about cooking, design and she's helped me with my wardrobe and room. Her blonde hair is still that but only goes up to her chest now. She hasn't grown so she is 5'5, so is quite small compared to me and Sophia. We tend to take the mickey out of her for that. She has become one of my good friends.

Sophia is my little Australiano. She still has her red tipped hair, and to be honest, I feel like she will die with it. She is really funny and sarcastic like me. She also is really smart and geeky. She is just a bit shorter than me as she's 5'8 which she is happy about. She is my best friend, and I'm not sure where I would be today without her.

And I finally hit puberty! It was an embarrassing time, and Sophia and Zara made the most of it as well. I'm now 5'10 and have got some muscle on me. My hair has grown out, and my baby face has gone. I look back at photos of when I first arrived and laugh at how much I've changed. I started doing cross-country here, and despite the first week being absolute torture, I'm now best at my school. Who would ever think Stiles Stilinski would be good at running! I certainly didn't.

I haven't spoken to the pack in over a year. I rang every week for the first two months but I was always sent to voicemail. I tried again a few months ago but the number was no long available.

Anyways my friends and I have just finished school and are going to the ice-cream shop making the most of the last days of Autumn.

"Okay, I'll get a strawberry, a choc-mint, and a vanilla with milo on top, please," I say, paying the cashier. I grab the ice-creams and head over where the girls are.

"A strawberry for the queen of shopping and a vanilla milo for the Australiano," I say using a very posh English accent.

"Why thank you kind, sir, I was hoping for some tea with that, but I have been told this place does not sell it," Sophia says playing along, while taking her ice-cream, holding her pinky finger up.

I hand Zara her ice-cream and sit down taking a bite into mine.

"So are you guys excited for winter?" I ask, licking the ice cream that had melted onto my fingers. It's May here, the end of Autumn and it's still hot enough to melt my ice-cream.

"So excited. The fashion in winter is so nice, not as good as summer, but amazing still." Zara says, not surprising me at all.

"Yeah well as you experienced last year, it just goes from this to absolutely freezing cold. Me no likey." Sophia says.

She has her ice-cream right near her face giving me an idea.

"Hey Soph, you've got something on your nose," I say reaching forward.

She goes cross-eyed trying to see what's on her nose. I quickly push her ice-cream into her nose.

"Don't worry it's all gone now," I say eating the last bit of my cone.

Sophia just looks at me, mouth wide open, with milo and ice-cream on her nose.

Before I can even laugh she has put the last bit of ice-cream she has on my forehead.

I gasp, as it's quite cold.

Zara is just sitting there watching and laughing. I give Sophia a look, and she seems to get the same idea. We wipe off the ice-cream and put it on Zara's cheeks.

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