Chapter 6: At the mall

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yall are in the mall, you notice that jojo and kari have disappeared, you would tell the rest of the group, but you realize how protective Daniel is, you and corahn take the food court, and tia and mikel take the shoe stores and bathrooms, daniel and ray have no idea whats going on, and roc, twist, JL, and eli wonder off in seperate ways.

Karia's POV

Jojo has dragged Karia all the way to the back of Belk's. the corner farthest away from any door, in the baby section, where no-one will find them. 

Jojo: I have been trying to get you alone all weekend. 

Karia: Why-blushing-it's not like you like me or  something. 

Jojo: Well actually.....I Do-turns away and rubs his neck bashfully-

Karia: I..I...Um...I.....I....Um..

Jojo: I was wondering if you would let me take you out, you know like on a date or something, unless you dont want to, i mean, of course you wouldnt but if you would,.... see im ranting aren't i? haha, i seem to rant when im around beautiful women, , I really dont know why, but why would a girl as gorgeous as you 

Karia: -Cuts Him off- You think im beautiful...

Jojo: Well..yea who wouldnt, -smiles-

Karia: I would love to go out with you

at that moment yn and corahn's head pops up around the corner, they look at Karia, call her name and start walking in her direction.


YN: there yall are, we've been looking everywhere for you. 

Karia: Dont tell Daniel or Ray, You know how they get.

YN: Tell me about it.

 Jojo goes to find Daniel, Ray, Twist, Prod, JL, Roc, and eli. You pull out your phone to txt tia that you have found them. you get  a call from tia on facetime,you excuse yourself and walk out of earshot of everyone else.


Tia: How long are we going to keep us a secret?

Mikel: I dont know, everytime I start to say something about us being together your brothers sound like there trying to jump me. 

Tia: I havent even told my sisters yet, I dont like keeping secrets from them but...

Mikel: Dont worry your pretty little head over it, We'll tell everyone soon enough.

Tia and Mikel start to kiss and not just any kiss..this is a KISS kiss, he grabs her by her waist and pulls her closer, She grabs him by the neck and pulls him more to her level. They go on like this until you cant look anymore You hang up the phone and turn and start walking in the direction of everyone else. So i guess that was an accident call. 

You cant beleive your sister has kept this secret from you. All these thoughts start to rush through your head. How long have they been together. When did they start kissing like that, Because you and Corahn just started. When will they tell you.

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