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Hiya! River here! Okay, that was way to happy. Change of plans.

Hey, people, it's me, you're least favorite author! Yep, that's more like it.

So, here I am. With a story. That will be published. Like for real. You guys don't even know how many drafts I have, to scared to publish. I will eventually I guess. Lets see how this one goes.

Okay, this is a one-shot book. A bunch of gay one-shots of random stuff. Some are original characters, some are from a certain fandom. Its just whatever I get. Also, a lot of the ships are probably not very .... conventional. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I am in A. LOT. of fandoms, but not all of them. So, if you want me to try something, let me know. Just make sure it's gay. Sorry, but I'm all for the queer. God, I am weird. Oh well!

Um, some stuff about me.

1) I do have siblings. Won't say their names, though. Crazies and shit.

2) My name, however, is Harley Whatever-Last-Name-You-Want.

3) I LIKE FOOD!! (But, who doesn't)

4) I am like, super socially awkward. Even on the internet. So, occasionally I will sound really crazy and messed up, okay, most of the time.

5) I don't know what I should say, so it's up to you!

Seriously people, it isn't that hard.

Send in any questions you have, or prompts. I'll look at them all. You could have a specific prompt or just a simple person A and B thing if you want.

Okay, I guess that's it. See, it's already getting awkward.

Random One- Shots (LGBT)Where stories live. Discover now