OC- Getting Mia

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*read till the end. It may not seem like boyxboy at first but there is more to it. You'll understand later.*


"So beautiful," whispered staring at my crush.

"What?" Jordon asked. We were standing by his locker, while he was getting his books. I just kept ogling at her, barely regeristing his question. But who could blame me? She was beautiful. Today, wearing a pastel blue and pink dress with a light purple flower crown.

I couldn't help but admire her gracefulness, even though she was just grabbing books from her locker. A locker slammed shut next to me, knocking me out of my reverie.

"You're hopeless, you know?" Harley said next to me, "stop being a wuss and go talk to her."

"It's not that simple. She's just so perfect, and I'm....well....not,"I said slouching against the locker.

Jordon grabbed my shoulders and spin me around to face him.

"Harley Nicholas Harris, you stop that right now. Why are you so dogmatic? You have a mouth for a reason. Use it," he said, then pushed me over to her. I stopped as she turned away from her locker; facing me. Even in the gloomy hallway light her eyes seemed to coruscate.

"H-hi, Mia," I stuttered. Then mentally cursed myself for being so unconfident.

"Hi, Harley," she said smiling sweetly, "how's it going,"

"Uh, good, look, I was wondering-" I got cut off by the warning bell. Just like that I suffered abasement. Going down at least 3 notched on the confidence scale.

"Oh, look, I gotta go. At lunch, okay," she said.

"Uh, yeag, sure, okay," I stammered dissapointed. She smiled and touched my arm ever so lightly, before turning around and walking away.

"You suck at being a human," Jordon said walking up to me. I have him a dirty look.

"Yeah, yeah," i said, and we walked to class.


By the time lunch rolled around I was a nervous wreck. Jordon isn't in my lunch so went to sit in my normal seat by Shane.

"How's it going, man?"he asked as I sat down.

"Fine," I said distracted. I looked around the cafeteria for Mia. Untill, I saw her sit at an empty table, book in hand.

"Hey, I'll be back," I said to Shane, getting up and walking towards Mia. With every step I took my anxiety went up.

'Okay, just do it expediently. Get it done and go,' I told myself as a pep talk.

"Hey, Harley," she said looking up at me from her book. She picked up an apple and gestured to the seat next to her. I gladly sat down, hoping my anxiety wasn't showing.

"Hey Mia, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Eating lunch," she said sweetly, not judging my stupid question. I, however, was mentally slapping myself. 'Of course she's eating lunch, stupid.'

"Right," I said wiping my sweaty palms on my legs. "So, I was wondering-" I stopped. This was harder than I thought it would be.

'Just ask her, man,' I heard Jordon say in my head.

"Yeah?"she asked.

"Umm-" at the last minute I vacillated, and changed my mind- "could you help me on the math homework, I was really confused in class today."

Which was a lie. I always kept an A in math. It just came naturally to me.

She chuckled softly, "that's what you were so worried about?-" no "-Of course I'll help you. My house Friday? After school?"

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