part 35

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Ziva cried quietly into her pillow. Why did I allow myself to fall into this? I knew this was a horrible idea, and now I have ruined both our futures..she thought to herself. She should never have allowed herself to admit to Tony how she felt. Tears stained her cheeks, and she angrily wiped them aside. Now that her neck bandages were off, she could look around without pain. For the first time since arriving, Ziva actually looked around the room. Drab white, with antiseptic smell. She strained, trying to see out the window. Ziva was so focused on trying to look out, she didn't notice that..

Tony rushed into the room. He dropped the picture and his keys on the table and went straight to Ziva. Before she realized what was happening, her lips were on his. Fire burned inside her. Tony had kissed her before, and kissed her good, but never before had they both been so desperate for each other. Tony couldn't stop himself. He slowly edged closer and closer until he was on the bed with her, skin to skin, still desperately kissing her. Her arms reached around his neck, pulling him in. Tony's fingers were in Ziva's long wavy hair. "Ziva," Tony gasped out for breath, "I'm in love with you, and I want to marry you." Ziva pulled away from his embrace. Her face was pale. "What?!? Tony, we cannot! Gibbs is already so upset with me that I don't--"  Tony cut her off with a kiss. Ziva paused momentarily, taken off guard. Her body was stiff, but then relaxed into the kiss. When the kiss finally ended, Tony was only inches from Ziva's face. "I want to marry you, Ziva. I love you. I want to be your husband, and for you to be my wife forever." Ziva stared into his eyes. They were so filled with love and emotion that she couldn't speak. Tony continued speaking. "I'll leave NCIS. I can't live any longer without you by my side all night, and with me each day. I want to have little Dinozzio's with you, and grow old with you." His hand wrapped around her hand. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a soft black velvet box. Ziva's eyes filled with tears while Tony got down by the bedside. "Ziva David...will you marry me?" he whispered. Ziva couldn't breathe, her heart felt like it would hyperventilate. Finally, after an eternity, she reach for his other hand. "Tony, I would love to marry you," she breathed.

Tony gave her another kiss. He gently slipped the engagement band on her finger. It was a simple silver band with small diamonds and sapphires embedded in it. Ziva stared at it in shock. "Tony, it is beautiful. I cannot..I cannot ever imagine anything more special than being with you forever." She gazed at his handsome face while he explained what had happened with Gibbs. "Oh, by the way.." he walked over to the table and picked up the frame, "Happy birthday." he held it up for her to see. Ziva gasped. Had today been her birthday? Had she honestly forgotten her own birthday? The photo was beautiful. "Thank you so much, Tony..I love it." He sat back down by the bedside. The two talked until around 1 a.m, until the nurse finally insisted that Tony vacate for Ziva's rest. They parted with a kiss, Tony promising to come back the next day.

After Tony left, Ziva gazed at the photo. The looks on their faces in that picture so perfectly described how she felt when she was with Tony that it took her breath away. She pulled out her phone..Goodnight, Tony. I love you. she texted to him. The light glinted off the diamonds on her ring. Ziva rubbed her finger on the ring, loving the way it looked. It was the perfect ring; She couldn't imagine anything more beautiful.

Her thoughts wandered to how it would all work out. She didn't want to leave NCIS. She didn't want Tony to leave, either. This was a big part of their lives. But now, their love would have to be the biggest part and work would come second.

Would they have a wedding, or just go to the courthouse? Ziva told herself she didn't care, but in her heart she knew she was lying. She had always imagined a fancy wedding, a beautiful dress, and being surrounded by her friends while she married the love of her life.

She slowly drifted into sleep, thoughts of Tony slipping into dreams.

thanks for reading! comment thoughts! ;)

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