Hair Salon

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You finally got your dream job. A hair stylist. Today was your first day and you couldn't be happier.

You set up your station for your first customer.

"Are you Y/N?"

You look up and see a man. His chocolate brown eyes piercing you.
His darks brown hair flipped over to the side.

"Uh... Y-yes. I'm-uh- Y/N..."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's my first day."

"Am I your first customer?!"


"Yay! I'm the first!"

You laugh. He's so, adorable.

"Here, sit down."

You pat the chair and he sits down. You put a strip of white cloth around his neck and drape the black covering over him.

"What do you want?" You ask.

"You... I mean can you shave the sides and snip a little off the top?" He asks while blushing.


You finish and brush the hair off his face. You also brush off behind his ears.

He looks in the mirror and smiles.


"Thank you. What's your name?"


You take the black covering off him and take off the white strip.

He gets up and thanks you. He walks to the counter.

I'm going to miss him...

You sigh and clean up your area.

You hear footsteps approach you. You look up and see Brendon. He hands you $20 for a tip. Your eyes widen.

"Thank you so much Brendon!"

"You missed something."

You feel a slip of paper under the bills. You pull it out from under and look at it

It's his number...

"Call me."

He then walks out.

You get home and sit down. You pull out your phone and add Brendon's number to it. You call him.

Ring ring

Ring ring

Ring ring




Hey, it's Y/N

Oh! Hey you!


I have a question for you


Will you go out with me?




Okay, I'll pick you up at 7

Okay. Bye Brenny

Bye doll

Brendon Urie ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now