Helping Roger and Mickey

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Eddie threw down the newspaper and took a closer look at it at his desk with Vanessa sitting to the edge and respected Eddie's privacy and feelings by not sitting in Teddy's old desk.

"It ain't my fault the rabbit and mouse got themselves in trouble." Eddie mumbled, taking a drink.

"That's the thing with murders you don't know who they are until it happens." Vanessa spoke up.

Eddie shrugged and took a big gulp of his drink. He placed it down and made himself comfortable to end his work day. "All I did was take a couple of lousy pictures."

Vanessa spotted something. The glass was magnifying the photograph in the paper, making her look closely. "Eddie, check this out."

Eddie leaned with her to take a closer look. He picked up his glass and saw closely into Marvin Acme's pocket that there was a Last Will and Testament. Eddie then took out his detective kit and took out a magnifying glass to take a closer look to make sure his eyes weren't fooling him. He looked through the photographs with Vanessa and still saw the will in his jacket pocket. "The baby was right." he whispered. Eddie had a dawning realization look on his face, but shrugged it off. "The Hell with it!"

"I hope Roger and Mickey are alright." Vanessa said not very sincerely.

"Whatever, I need a nap, feel free to look around but stay out of Teddy's things, alright?" Eddie told her, pulling out his filing cabinet and making up his bed.

"Sure, Eddie." Vanessa said.

Eddie kicked off his shoes and laid down in his bed. He then turned over, opened his eyes slightly and screamed once he saw Roger and Mickey had been in his bed.

Vanessa dashed over to see what the problem was and she screamed too, seeing them after all this murder business.

"How the Hell did you get in here?" Eddie demanded.

"Through the mail slot," Roger shrugged.

"Its really quite easy when your a toon" Mickey said.

"I thought it would be best if we waited inside, seeing's how we're wanted for murder." Roger explained.

"No kidding." Eddie scoffed. "Just talking to you could get us a rap for aiding and abetting. Wait a minute," he turned back to the toon Mouse and Toon rabbit. "Anybody know you're here?"

"Nobody, not a soul, except, uh..." Roger said, then remembered.

"Who?" Eddie and Vanessa asked.

"Well, you see..." Roger came close to Eddie to explain, jumping onto the bed. "We didn't know where your office was. So we asked the newsboy, he didn't know. So we asked the fireman, the greengrocer, the butcher, the baker, they didn't know. But the liquor store guy, he knew..."

Mickey jumped up and went to kiss Vanessa who pushed him off "your a murderer Mickey" she said coldly

"In other words, the whole damn town knows you're here!" Eddie grabbed Roger and Mickey by their throats and went to throw them out.

"Eddie, take it easy, will ya!?" Roger cried. "Please Eddie, don't throw us out! You're making a big mistake! We didn't kill anybody, we swear! The whole thing's a set up, a scam, a frame job, OW!" Mickey pleaded.

"Eddie, I could never hurt anybody, and neither cold Mickey" Roger continued to clear their names to him. "Our whole purpose in life is to make people laugh!" Mickey said then fell with Eddie once he got loose, then settled himself down. "Okay, okay, sure, I admit it. I got a little steamed once you showed me those pictures of Jessica." Roger said "and I gots little  steamed when you played that tape" Mickey said.

Who frame roger rabbit and Mickey Mouse? (A fan fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ