Trying to hide

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Vanessa woke up earlier than Eddie she decided to call judge doom hoping he was awake.

"Hello this is judge doom" came the gruff voice from the other end "hello this is Vanessa Mouse.....I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go get lunch" she said nervously

"Why my dear I would be delighted I'll have my weasels pick you up" he said.

Vanessa then snuck out and got in her car. She put it into drive and drove towards toon town

She shuddered as she got to the toon town entrance but this was home. She pulled up at her toon house going inside.

She walked to her room avoiding all the toon furniture and stuff inside. She looked threw her closet.

She eventually found a neat black burlesque outfit it wasn't very date appropriate but she only had her performer clothes as she hadn't had a chance to by new ones.

She threw it in a bag rushing back to Eddie's office before he woke up "what are you wearing" Eddie said rubbing his eyes "I'm going out to lunch" Vanessa said applying some lipgloss.

There was then a knock at the door "what are you doing here?" She heard Eddie say. "The judge sent us to get Vanessa"  Greasy said. "Why?" Eddie asked "none of yo business Valiant" Smarty said.

Just then Vanessa walked out her makeup finished and her hair done up "you ready to go doll face?" Smarty asked eyeing her up and down "yes smarty let me get my purse" I said going over to eddies desk to pick it up "your going to lunch with judge doom aren't you!" Eddie accused following her "maybe" Vanessa said "it's a date isn't it" Eddie said "so what that's my business" Vanessa replied getting her purse and heading for the door "your married Vanessa remember" he said. She ignored him and walked out the door with the weasels.

Vanessa and judge doom were sitting at a table in the nicest most expensive restaurant in the city.  Vanessa was tucking into her food "I haven't been to a place this nice since.....well since before I lost my job" Vanessa said a little sadly. "Well enjoy yourself than" he said smiling.

About half way into the date a romantic song started being played both Vanessa and Judge doom keep inching there faces closer and closer to each other just when their lips were about to touch his phone rang "this is the judge" he said answering it "uh huh well be right there" he said hanging up "the weasels have lead I have to go would you like to come with me?" He asked "yeah sure"  she said

Vanessa and judge doom arrived at the bar that Roger and Mickey were currently hiding.

"I'm looking for a couple of murderers." Doom demanded.

The patrons all looked around and tried to keep quiet, not even mentioning Roger or Mickey. Even the trolley outside that passed seemed silent.

"A rabbit and a mouse." Doom continued, walking about the tavern. "A Toon rabbit and a toon Mouse... About... Yay big..." he clamped his hand over top a short man in the bar, squishing him down to the floor by some broken plates which I'm guessing was roger and mickeys doing.

"Look, there's no rabbit or mouse here," Dolores lied, coolly. "So don't harass my costumers."

"I didn't come here to harass, I came here to reward," Doom clarified. He then took a man with a pool cue by the sleeve and wiped the blackboard for French Dip and wrote on the board with chalk, scraping it which rattled everyone's ears, Rabbit and Mouse Dip for $5,000.

Who frame roger rabbit and Mickey Mouse? (A fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now