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Dippers POV)
"Dipper what the heck are you doing?"
He was laughing about something.. with... someone by the name..-


I suddenly was awoken by my loud,obnoxious, alarm clock. I yawned stretching my arms towards my apartment roof. Another weird dream.. oh well it mustn't mean anything.

I hope

I poured myself a nice mug of coffee and grabbed my uniform and quickly put it on, hinting I woke up late and was NOT going to risk being late for work. I worked at the local pet store and my specialty was furry friends and reptiles! I love my job because I can interact with animals all day.
I rush down my decaying steps that led to my apartment and stumbled a little as I almost tripped on a large crack in the old side walk. I needed to get there on time or I'd loose atleast a dollar off my paycheck and a bad reputation on the manager... I was running so fast I hadn't noticed my shoe was untied and that a lot of people crowded me.

As clique as it sounds, I ran into a man. He looked about my age. About..23-24. He had amazingly cute freckles and pure golden eyes with bright blonde hair. He was wearing a cafe uniform so I assumed he worked at the cafe down town since it's the only one in the area.

We both stumbled,me falling on top of him. I blushed furiously as I frantically stood up and apologized.

"I'm so so sorry sir! I was rushing and wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"No worries! Just be careful next time we meet, ok?"

I nodded

He had such a chilling yet beautiful voice, I stared at his cheeky smile but snapped myself back into reality. Also the fact that he said 'next time we meet' made me really happy. He planned on running into me again. I waved and said goodbye as I continued running towards the animal shop, all my thought were flooded with that guy.
I was tending to the gerbils as someone walked through the door,making the door jingle.

"Welcome! Would you need any help today?"
I turned towards the front and stumbled back in shock. It was the guy from before! He seemed to have recognized me too because he walked up to me and smiled. I smiled back awkwardly and tried starting a professional conversation.

"So what kind of pet ya' lookin' for?"

"Hm.. I was thinking.. a chinchilla"

"Oh quiet a good choice! They are very calm and unique. Every individual animal has a different persona and I like that a lot!"

He smiled at me and followed as I led him to the chinchillas.

There were three in the large cage. One was sleeping, another was sitting in the feeder, and the last was scratching at the glass towards us. He pointed towards it and nodded.

"I want this one."

"Ok I'll ring you up at station seven"

I carefully put the small animal into a cardboard box and handed a paper to the man. I watched as he neatly wrote his name and the pets name.

Bill Cypher

He had such an interesting last name. He noticed me staring and tapped my shoulder. I flinched and tried to laugh it off but I could tell it was too late.

He payed for his new pet and some supplies that were needed for the animal. Right before he walked out of the door he spoke,

"Hey you want to get coffee some time?" He said

"Uh-uh yeah! Sure?! When?"

He walked back up to me and handed me a piece of paper with contact information on it.

"I'll text you the details later tonight."
He winked. "When does your shift end?"

"In about...two hours!"

"Ok sounds good"


"Good day!"
My shift ended soon after with nothing else that exciting. I was mostly excited about that Bill. He wanted to take me out somewhere? No, I'm stupid. It's probably just as friends.
Later that night.

"Hello,is this Bill Cypher?"

"Yes, who is this?"
"I never gave you my name but my name is dipper pines!"
"Oh are you the man from the pet store?"
"Ok great! I was thinking tomorrow after your shift.. would you like to go to an amusement park or something? I know we just met but I feel like I should be doing things like this with you."
"O-oh! Uh yeah sure! Well I must be going now.. goodnight!"
I smile to myself as I drift into comfortable slumber. As so I thought until I got another weird dream.

Sleepless love (billdip)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora