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(Ha it's like 2 am)
Bill's POV)
I went to sleep that night having nothing but dirty thoughts and dreams about that boy, dipper, his name was pretty cute. And now I'm taking him on dates? How lucky am I?
The sun poured through the creases in my blinds as my eyes lazily opened. I was reluctant at first but I remembered that if I was fast enough I could catch Dipper running to his job!
I got dressed quickly and put on my apron with my name tag on it. I ran out the door and down the sidewalk next to the tall, looming buildings beside me.
I saw him. A smile grew onto my face.
This smile felt great. I wonder if dipper would be mad if I kissed him. What if I gave him a nickname? Pft that'll be cute. Like we're already dating.
Pine tree noticed me, I decided that would be his nickname, he smiles at me warmly, sending chills down my spine. As he was about to pass I grabbed his hand and spun him around into a dip kiss. He was light so it was easy and simple to do.
His lips were soft and slightly moist from vaseline I'm guessing? Unexpectedly, pine tree deepened the kiss and even got a little tongue action. A deep blush appeared on my face as he pulled away. His eyes were glazed with pleasure. He has beautiful coffee brown eyes. If I were able to, I'd look at them all day!

"Sorry I must be going to my job now! I don't want to be late!" My little pine tree said as he hugged me and jogged off down the street.
"He would make a good wife.." I murmured to myself. A few people glared at this remark but who cares?

My job was tiring hinting that girls constantly hit on me. I'm not straight nor bi. I'm pure gay and I'm proud. Actually I think I'm dippersexual! Ha I gotta tell him that. My phone in my pocket vibrated. I checked it of course.
The large title.
Popped up on my screen. I smile to myself as I check the text.

"I'm on break so I'll come visit you at work ;3"

"Ok sounds amazing!"

He's going to come to my work for break! Ugh it's like we're a couple already! I think I squealed out loud because a few people looked at me weirdly. I didn't care though.

The door chime jingled as the door opened.

I looked over to see a little pine tree standing at the door brushing a few feathers out of his hair.

"You must've had a hard day, huh pine tree?"

He looked shocked for a moment about the nickname but he just went with it.

"Yeah I did." He chuckled. It sounded half hearted though so I patted his shoulder, giving him the most reassuring smile I could do. It seemed to have worked because he now looked really happy.



"You have freckles dipp!"

"Yeah? So.."
awe he got all self defensive. He is just the cutest oh my gosh!

"You have freckles too ya know"

"Yeah but yours are really beautiful dipper."

I didn't notice that I had wondered away from the register but someone had token over so I just decided to go on break now as well.
I wanted to touch dippers freckles. His checks looked so chubby I loved it. I'm so love struck it's not even funny!
Oh right! We kissed this morning. Should I bring it up? Pine tree hasn't so I'm not sure...

"Hey pine tree?"


"Do you... do you like me?"
There was an awkward silence but I decided to play it off like I was joking.

"Ha I'm just kidding!"
I rubbed the back of my neck as I nervously chuckled about how I abruptly asked him that.
He stared at me and then a little lower than my eyes. Was he looking at my lips? Well I might as well-

Dipper had pulled me into an embracive kiss. Our lips moved together perfectly. He seemed eager to kiss me so I tried my best to deepen the kiss to its full extent.
Dipper had now licked my lips. A smile crept to my mouth as I muttered,
"Eager now are we?"

He pulled away and panted for air. He looked so in heat.. is he ok? I mean maybe he does like me. He did kiss me and such so I think that shows he likes me?
This time I pulled dipper into a kiss and shoved my tongue into his mouth, making myself at home.I explored every reachable area in his mouth. A slight moan escaped his mouth. Everyone froze.

People stared.

I stared.

He turned bright red and covered his face. He grabbed my hand and messed with my fingers. I felt bad that he seemed so vulnerable.

"Oh shoot my breaks over!"

I knew it wasn't but I let him go anyways. He was really embarrassed right now I felt so bad.. I'll make it up to him when we go on our 'date'.
Before he had walked out the door he had intertwined our fingers and gave me a peck on the cheek. Then he ran out the door.
He is so innocent I love it!!
My employees questioned who the guy I was kissing was and of course I said it was my boyfriend. Why wouldn't I?
My shift came to an end thankfully. I walked over to the flower shop about 3 stores down. I wanted to get pine tree some flowers.
I found some that reminded me of him. A lily because it's so properly placed and newly blossomed and a daisy because it's an innocent flower that would be cute no matter what.
I grabbed the flowers and walked to the purchase station. The lady smiled at me and I returned it just to be respectful.

"Who's the lucky lady?"

"Actually it's a boy. And his name is dipper."

She made the most disgusted face in the world but looked at me again and said, "did he graduate or are you celebrating something?"

"No he is my boyfriend and I'm getting him a gift."


I didn't want to be inside this store any longer.. I purchased my flowers and left the store . I rushed towards the pet store and watched my little pine tree work. His curly hair got in his face at times and he had to tie it up. It was lopsided so I went to fix it. At first he didn't recognize me, probably because I kinda snuck up on him, but I fixed his hair and he looked quite cute.
I handed him the flowers and he blushed a lot. And I mean ALOT.
Soon after his shift ended and he checked out and we made our way to my car. We talked about what we liked and including complimenting eachother. This is going to be one fun day at the amusement park..

(1183 fucking words. Longest chapter I've ever written)

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