No.. My brother

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I don't really know what to wear I don't want to dress up all fancy but I don't want to be underdressed either.

After standing in front of my wardrobe for the past 20 minutes I decided that I would wear jeans with a nice flowy blue top.

After finally finding the clothes I had a quick shower and got dressed. I then put on make up even though I'm not a big fan of it and the curled my hair at the bottoms.

By the time I had finished getting ready it was around 5 o'clock and I had nothing to do so I went downstairs to find the boys. I looked in the lounge room, the kitchen and all the other rooms downstairs but they were nowhere to be found so I went up and check all the boys rooms upstairs. They weren't in Logan's, Kendall or James' room.

I finally reached Carlos' room and opened the door hoping to find them in there and sure enough I did. But I saw Carlos with his head in his hand looking like he was crying and all the others trying to comfort him. When I opened the door they all looked up at me. Carlos had puffy red eyes and his face was saturated with tears he looked so upset my heart just broke.

"Carlos what's wrong" I asked giving him a hug.

"Sh-she b-br-broke u-up with me" he cried into my shoulder.

"Awh Carlos" I said soothingly robbing circles in his back trying to calm him down. "How about when I get back from going out we have a movie night and eat lots of ice cream and junk food?" I asked knowing that always cheered him up. All the other boys had left by now.

He nodded and his sobbing started to slow down. He finally removed his head from my shoulder and looked up at my face. I wiped away the tears from his face.

"Thank you Sofia" he said hugging me.

"I'm always here for you Carlitos" I replied returning the hug.

Carlos finally stood up and put his arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around his waist" Come on you've got a date to attend" Carlos said as we walked out the door and down stairs.

We found all the other boys in the lounge room watching tv so we joined them. After 5 minutes the was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" Logan said getting off of the couch and running towards the door. A few minutes later he returned with Matt following behind him.

Oh wow he was wearing a orange singlet that had a picture of the beach on it with board shorts. Man he looked hot.

"Ready to go?" Matt asked.

"Sure am" I said getting off of the couch and walking to the door the boys following.

I gave each of them a hug goodbye and told Carlos to stay strong. Then we walked out the door and down to his car.

"You look beautiful" Matt told me as he got in to drivers seat.

"Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself" I said with a cheeky wink which caused Matt to laugh. " So where are we going?" I asked

" It's a surprise"

We drove for about 20 minutes talking and singing to what ever songs came on the radio when we drove up a hill and got to the top we got out. We walked to a grassy patch where there was a picnic blanket with a basket a candles around it. The hill also over looked the city.

"Wow" I breathed out.

"Do you like it?" Matt asked sounding nerves.

"I absolutely love it. It's beautiful" I said in amazement.

"Glad you like it. Care to have something to eat?" He asked directing me to sit down on the blanket.

He sat down next to me and pulled out two boxes of Chinese food and handed me a box and a fork. I thanked him and began eating.

After 15 minutes we had finished eating. Matt stood up and offered me a hand up which I gladly took.

"May I have this dance?" He asked.

"But there's no music" I said.

"There doesn't have to be" he replied.

I took his hand and place my other hand on his shoulder and he placed his other hand on my waist as we danced around to no music doing twirls here and there. It was actually really nice.

After a while of dancing we packed up the picnic blanket and basket and walked back to the car hand in hand. He opened my door for me and then ran around to the drivers side.



"Thank you so much for this date it was amazing" I said dreamily.

"No worries" he replied smiling at me with his perfectly straight teeth.

I quickly text Logan to say that we were on our way home and to go out and get the ice cream for our movie night which quickly replied saying that he will and that I will see him soon.

Matt drove me back to my house in silent but it wasn't a bad silent it was a good silent. Once we arrived back home Matt came around and oped my door lending me a hand and walked up to my front door with me.

"Thanks again for tonight" I said hugging him.

"No problem" he replied.

I was about to open the door when Matt grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him again. Before I knew what was happening Matt smashed his lips onto mine kissing me and I didn't resist not kissing him back. After a minute or so we pulled apart.

"Sofia will you be my girlfriend?" Matt asked looking deep into my eyes. Wow I loved his chocolate brown eyes they made my heart melt.

"Yes" I squealed. Then kisses Matt again before going inside.

I went up to my room to get dressed for our movie night before going to see the boys. I walked up the stairs feeling like I was in a dream. I walked up to my door and went to open it almost not seeing a piece of paper attached to my door. I quickly ripped the note off and began reading it.

The note said:

'I have got your brother and your next. Love ya girl


OMG. I quickly ran to Logan's room to see if he was there but he wasn't I ran down stairs to see if his car was there but that wasn't there either.

I ran into James room and found him laying on his bed. He looked up to see me crying.

"Hey baby girl what's wrong? What did Matt do? What happen?" James started firing questions at me as he jumped off his bed and ran to me. I held up to note and he read it. "OMG CARLOS KENDALL COME HERE QUICKLY" James yelled.

Within five second the other two were here and read the note.

Kendall quickly pulled out his phone and ran Logan.

"No answer" he said as he put his phone back in his pocket.

I was now in massive panic.



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