Saving someone gone wrong

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I was so scarred I don't want to know what horrible things my mother is doing to my brother. It's all my fault that he isn't here. It should be me that's not here not Logan he didn't do anything wrong.

I started to cry really hard after Kendall put his phone back into his pocket.

Kendall then came over to me and hugged me really tight as I cried into his chest."Don't worry Sweetie we will find him it's gonna be ok" Kendall said in a soothing voice. I just nodded.

After I calmed down we all went down stairs and sat at the table discussing where we might be able to find Logan. We plotted a few places where my mother would of taken him.

I felt something vibrate in my pocket. I dug into it and pulled out my phone. the caller ID said that the call was from my old house I lived in before my parent got thrown in jail.

"Umm g-guys?" I chocked out turning my phone around so they could see who it was.

"Answer it. It might be Logan or your mum" Carlos said.

"Hel-hello?" I asked starting to cry again.

"Hello sweet heart" I heard the evilness in my mothers voice.

"WHERES LOGAN!?" I accidentally yelled.

"Oh your brother is safe for now" she cackled.

"Where is he?" I asked again.

"That's really none of your business missy" my mum said.

"What do I have to do for you to give him back" I asked.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all...*beeeep*" she hung up on me.

"Sh-she hung up" I stuttered.

"I think we should go and check out your old house" James said.

I nodded and we all walked out the door and down to James car. James was in the drivers seat and Carlos was in the passenger seat while Kendall and I sat in the back.

"Your shaking" Kendall said as he rapped his arms around me making me feel safe.

We stayed like this until we got to the house. As the boys started piling out I spoke up.

"Umm guys can I go in alone?" I asked feeling like it was my job to fine Logan not these boys.

"Sofia we don't know what could happen if you went in there alone so no" I nodded understanding what they meant.

We all walked up to the door finding it unlocked.


That stupid stupid girl she's gonna think I have her brother captured at the house and she will go there with those other boys that took my son away from me in the first place by forming that stupid band. Well isn't she gonna get a surprise when she gets there.


We walked into the unlocked house quietly. There was no sound at all. The boys started looking down stairs.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go look upstairs" I whisper/shouted.

The boys nodded and I slowly walked up the steps trying not to make much sound. Once I got up I looked in my room no one was there. I then looked in Logan's room and no one was there either. The last room to look in was mum and dads. I slowly crept in and looked under there bed then stood back up. I started to go have a look in there walk in wardrobe when someone grabbed me.


I was looking in the kitchen with Carlos when we heard a scream coming from upstairs. Sofia!

Carlos and I raced to the staircase and we met Kendall there. "You heard that to?" I asked. Kendall nodded and we all ran up the stairs.

Kendall went and checked Sofia's room, Carlos checked Logan's room and I ran to the parents room only to find an open window. I ran over to it and saw nothing. I guess it was pitch black but then I heard the side gate slam shut and Sofia screaming again.

"GUYS" I yelled as I raced down stairs. But by the time we all got down stairs we heard the screeching of tires.

"No not Sofia to" Kendall cried.

"Quick maybe we can follow them" I yelled already out the door and jumping in the car. I didn't even wait for the boys to shut there doors as I speed off after the car. I wasn't angry first they took my brother my band mate my best friend and then they are taking my sister as well this is not on!


Sorry it's not very long.

But hope you enjoy.

What's gonna happen?


The bad life gone good(Big Time Rush fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant