chapter 7: concert

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Leann's P.O.V.

Holy shit!! My bestfriend is staying in the most breathtaking hotel suite I have ever seen. When she told me the whole story about how this came to be, I was livid.

I also called Sam, her brother, and told him what was going on. Told him what the hotel did. He is a lawyer. So he is looking into what can be done. Probably nothing. But it's worth a shot.

Now, the 4 HOT guys she is staying with. Let's just say HOLY SHIT!! I've seen sexy men. Hell, I had a crush on Sam growing up. But there are 4 in one hotel suite. Just wow.

We have been in the suite for a little bit now. The guys are at their venue doing a soundcheck before their concert tonight. When they get back, I'm gonna see if i can buy 2 tickets from them. I'd really like to see if their music is any good.

But right now I'm gonna talk to Candace. I know why she really left. I think she needs to tell her parents.

"Candy, I know why you left." I tell her.

"You do? " she asks.

"Yeah I do. I really think you need to tell your family soon. They will find out soon enough anywnays." I tell her.

"I know. I'm gonna call them. I will do that in the morning. " she says.

"Ok. Because they need to know. They will understand. They are good people."

"That they are. I just don't want Sam to hate me." She says.

"Sam would never hate you. If anything, that bastard better watch himself. Sam might have to deffend himself in court." At this, she laughs.

About that time, the guys walk in. I'm gonna get those tickets one way or the other. Candace needs to have a little fun. And just let her stress go. It's not good for her to be so stressed out.

"Hey, I have a favor to ask you guys." I say to the band.

"You just met us and you already need a favor." Chris chuckles.

I laugh too. "Yeah. It's for Candace really. She needs a break. I was wondering if you had 2 tickets I could buy. She needs some fun in her life."

"Our tickets are sold out." Aaron says.

"Damn. I guess we will have to figure out something else to do." I say.

"No. You 2 are going to the concert. You are gonna be backstage." Trent says to me.

"Why backstage? " I ask.

"Because I will not let you ladies be indangered because of the woman out there. They don't care about anyone. They beat each other up just to try to get to us." Reed says

"And I'd just feel better if I knew that nothing bad was gonna happen." Chris says.

"Ok. I guess it's backstage then." I tell them. Secretly I'm excited. I've never had a backstage experience. This is gonna be so much fun!!


Candace's P.O.V.

I can't believe we are going to be backstage at a concert for Rebel Cowboys! I know. I know. I just found out they existed.

But I did get a chance to hear then sing in the suite last night. They are awesome. They mainly do covers to songs already out. But they do have their own songs as well.

If I'm gonna go to a concert , I need a new outfit. So Leann and I head to the botique up from the hotel. I'm pretty sure they will have something I can wear to the concert.

We get there and I decided I was gonna wear jeans. I just have to find the right pair. And a shirt to go with it.

I find the perfect outfit. It's blue jeans, a maroon flowy tanktop, flats the color of the shirt. A leather jacket. And some jewelry. It's perfect.

I seriously can't wait to go to this concert. It's gonna be so much fun. I haven't been to a concert in 4 years. I do can't wait!!

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