chapter 12: appointment time

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Chris's P.O.V

We got done with our tour a little over 2 weeks ago. And now we are back on the ranch after we have finished all the post your interviews.

We also have Candace staying with us.  She was put on one month bed after she passed out. And she did Not want to go back to Bell Buckle with her family. 

It's only about an hour from Nashville where our ranch is. Her parents were kind of skeptical at first. But now they seem to be fine with it now.

Her mother loved the kitchen.  Said she could see herself cook holiday meals in there. That's the same thing my mother has said. AND both ladies get long just fine.

Her father loves the land. We have been out fishing with my dad as well at the pond on my land. And he said that if he had his way, he'd build a house close to it so he could fish every day all day. 

It's now Friday. The day of Candace's doctor appointment.  She will find out of she is still on bed rest. And also when she will find out what she is having.

It's also the day I am going to let her know how I am feeling about her. I know she thinks we are just trying to be friendly byb letting her stay here. And not making her stress out by having to go to her home town. But that's not what it is.

I really do have feelings for her. It was the love at first site kind one deal. I mean, when i saw her talking with that deal clerk about her room being double booked, I just knew she was something special.  And it's not even her looks, beautiful that they are, that made me fall. It's the way she carries herself.

Even with her being 13 weeks pregnant.  She hasn't panicked.  Or acted scared to be a mom. And when she said that the douche bag Allen told her it wssnt his, she never acted like, that without him, she wouldn't be able to take care of the baby.

She doesn't need him anyways.  If everything goes like I hope it does. And if sometime down the line Candace and I do have a relationship,  I want to be a father figure to her baby. I know she is damn capable of taking care of herself  and a baby. But I don't want her to have to.  A baby should have two parents to love them.  But it will be Candace's decision. 

Now it's time to head to her appointment.  Let's get this show on the road.

Sorry so short. Another filler chapter.

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