chapter 19: oh baby

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Chris's P.O.V.

Well, that just happened. My wife's water just broke. God, I love saying that. My wife. Come on man. Focus!

The baby isn't due for another 3 weeks. I mean we have the hospital bag packed. We knew it could happen early. But nothing ever prepares you completely.

Everyone is starting to panic. All except her mom who is chuckling at the expression on Candace's face. It's one of excitement.  But also one that shows just how scared she is.

She walks up to me and says "It's gonna be ok. You just have to be calm for her. We have plenty of time to get to the hospital.  Now, go to your wife. Help her in the house so she can take her wedding dress off and put something more comfortable on. She needs you. Now, get to it." She pats me on the shoulder. And I do as she says.

We get to the hospital.  And they already have a room ready for. Patty called to let them know what was happening. So they are wheeling her there now. I'm right behind her with our bag.

We finally get to the room. They have her change into one of those hospital gowns. When she's changed, the doctor comes into the room.

"Mrs. O'brien, I'm going to see dialated you are."


The doctor then walks over to my wife and begins to do her job. "Mrs. O'Brien, you're only 5 centimeters. I'll be back in a little bit to check on you."

"Thank you, Dr. Beresford."


Candace's P.O.V.

The doctor just left the room. I'm really nervous about having this baby.


"I'm right here, baby. What do you need?"

"I'm scared."


"About having this baby."


"What if I'm not I good mother?"

"Don't talk like that. You're going to be a great mother. There's nothing to worry about."

"You promise?"

"I promise, baby. I love you."

"I love you too."

My contractions start to hurt worse and get closer together.  I'm hurting so bad. But I don't want an epidural.  I really want to do this drug free.

About an hour later, the doctor comes back in. She checks my progress and tells me I'm 8 centimeters dialated. The good doctor tells me it shouldn't be to much longer. I hope she is right. This hurts so bad. But I'd go through it a million times over to have a healthy baby to join my family.

I'm having a contraction  so I tell Chris or who ever is in the room that I feel like I need to push. Dr. Beresford checks to see that I am now 10 centimeters dialated. 

"Alright Candace,  on your next contraction, I want you to push." She tells me. So on my next contraction,  that's what i do.

It goes on like this for about 10 minutes.  Chris is by my side holding my hand and helping me lean up to push. I feel another contraction coming.  So I tell the doctor. 

"Alright Candy.  This next push should do it. Push darling. That's it. Keep pushing.  Ok. Breathe. And push one more time"

"I can't.  I can't do it."

"You are doing it. Now push." And with that I push. I push my baby girl out. I hear her cry. And it's the most beautiful sound in the world. 

The nurses clean her up while the doctor delivers the placenta and then helps clean me up. I really want a shower but that's gonna wait.

"Momma, do you want to meet your beautiful baby girl?" Nurse Shelley asks.

I nod my head to choked up to speek. She places my daughter in my arms and i look up to see that Chris is crying too. He has the biggest smile on his face and i know he is already wrapped around her little finger.

"Have you picked a name for her yet?" Dr. Beresford asks.

I look to Chris and he has the biggest smile on his face.  We both nod. And tell her out little girls name. 

"Her name is Beth Ann O'Brien.  If it weren't for Beth, the desk clerk at the hotel, we may have never met." Chris tells them.

"I think that's a lovely name." Dr. Beresford tells us. "She weighs 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and she's 19 inches long."

After the doctor and nurse leave, Chris looks at me. "This is the beginning of our lives together. Momma, Daddy, and baby."

I can't help but smile.

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