With Every Down Would There'll Be An Up?

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Robin had lazily wandered to the kitchen, his hand almost missed the refrigerator handle twice. He rubbed his eyes to snap out of this tried show but sadly it only helped a tad bit. Upon finally finishing the deed he had been slapped in the face with reality.

He had ran out of those sugary sweets he had loved.

A small groaned escaped his lips as he had again to returned to his room. He eyed his messy bed. Wanting to just go to bed since he was unwilling to stay up any longer but he knew for a dammed fact that he couldn't go a day without having some sort of candy. With that reason in mind he sloppily put on some clothes; just a simple white tee with some cargo shorts basically what he wore everyday. 

He tucked his wallet into his pocket, leaning against the wall as he slowly made his way to the front door. His hand wrapped around the sliver knob, he was still contemplating on whether he should go out into the world; the reality. But it was just to get some candy, what could possibly go wrong?

Everything, everything could go horribly wrong.

Robin braced himself for the outside world, he didn't like to face reality often. It drained him so much. He would rather just be alone forever.

God he was edgy.

Taking one step out into the outside world the fresh air filled his lungs. It obviously made him sick on the inside even if that didn't make sense. Locking the door, he had stepped down the stairs of his apartment complex the place was sort of shabby the outside was ugly, unsanitary and broken (like him) but it was actually better on the inside (unlike him). At least the people here were friendly so he wouldn't have to worry about being murdered though he wouldn't mind.

Robin had continued down the usual path he go. He was just going to your local convenient store, he could find some decent candy and some cupcakes or cakes in general. Though he sort of had a budget so he couldn't exactly afford the 'fancy kind'. 

He had made it to the stop light, pressing the button waiting for it to change to the 'walk' sign. Yes the streets were vacant almost nobody was driving around (it was work hours and most kids were in school. Even though he was suppose to be there) but he was not getting ready to get hit by an unexpected object or car. With that in mind the light finally clicked to the 'walk' sign and he began to make his way over to the other side.

Of course the thing that he wanted to avoid, had happen to him.


Considering the fact that it happened so fast he wasn't able to recooparte the fact that he, Robin 'Anain' Ronsitk was just hit with a motorcycle and an unknown stranger was on top him. Why was this like one of those shitty yaoi mangas? "Fuck, are you okay?" The unknown stranger had slowly gotten off him and taken off the biker helmet.

Robin had slowly gotten up "I'm fin-" he had stopped his sentence putting a hand onto his forehead to see the blood. "Do I need to take you to the hospital? " Robin had stared at the stranger why did he look so nervous. "I'm fine I'll just...go home and change" he had turned his body around. He felt sore and everything fucking hurts. "Are you sure? I can't have 'murder' on my record" Robin had turned to the unknown person one last time "I'll live" he forced out a smile before going back to the direction he came from. 

The other male bit his lip, he really wasn't sure if that guy was okay but he had places to be and places to go. Plus he really didn't want to get in trouble with his foster dad.

Robin had a slight limp, blood still slowly pouring from the top of his head. At least this incident wasn't fatal, things could have possibly gone worse.

It had taken an awful long time for him to return home.

He cleaned himself up and stopping the blood that was leaking out. Robin had a nasty little cut on there which he covered with a bandaid.

So now to recap, he was hit with a motorcycle and a random stranger was worried for his safety.

A sane person would have rested or at least went to a clinic to see if everything was okay but Robin is a stupid person and he will attempt to go on another candy run in a few hours.

He was still sort of tried.

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