An Eventual Up May Lead To Happiness

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Like as forementioned before, Robin had rested for a couple of hours just to recooperate what had happened and to rest his aching body. Upon finally waking up from his slumber his midsection gave him a sharp pain. Most likely because of how most of the impact was there (surprising that he isn't dead or at least have a broken rib) he had attempted to pull himself up, still feeling a mix of stinging pain and soreness. If it wasn't for his determination on candy he would probably just lay there and call his mom for help but he would rather risk his health for sugary candy that isn't good for his health. His logic was horrible and pretty stupid.

He had looked down at his shirt looking at the dry drops of blood that stained the white fabric. A yawn soon escaped as he got up from his bed doing a small double take on his bed.

Why was he still presist on something that wasn't worth it?

Robin was always like this, maybe because candy was one of the only things he had.

He stuck his hand into his pocket to see if his wallet was still there. After that conformation he had forced himself to go to the door. It'll just be a quick in and out, he really wasn't in the mood to get hit by a car or something again.

Pushing the knob open he left his humble home again for a second time, hoping that nothing else would happen to him. He really, really, really didn't want to get hurt again.

Continuing off the path he normally goes he had made it to the stoplight from before. He was more cautious when it came to this. He pressed the button awaiting for the 'walk' sign to appear. More cars were here than last time, it made him much more worried as he nervously messed with his fingers awaiting for the red light of death to stop cars and the white light of hell to allow him to cross.

Finally the sign clicked to 'walk',instead of immediately walking he waited for a few seconds: just to be safe of course. Once he felt safe enough to cross he ran across to the other side as if there was a killer chasing him.

Taking a small breather, a smile graced his face.

Hurray for not getting hit! (Again)

He soon turned his back, finally he was getting close to the convinent store.

The long stretch was over, he pushed the entrance doors open hearing the chime of the door. The woman behind the counter rolled her eyes up to look at him for a few seconds before looking back down at her phone. Robin knew who she was, he's been to this place so many times to the point of where he knew all the employees.

Robin wasted no time jetting over to the candy section. His hands graced over the sugary sweets  before perking his head up after hearing the door chime once more.

His eyes slightly widened to see that same stranger that hit him from before. 

"Hey guy who hit me with your bike" the stranger's attention went over to Robin once the blond boy had said that. Robin kinda was a smart ass when if came to this kind of stuff.

The unknown person green eyes scanned him from up and down "Oh it's you, you're still okay right?" his eyes seem to stare at the bandage atop of Robin's head. "Yeahhhh I'm not dead soooooooo" Robin had flashed a small smile before his head turned over to the sweets again. The man had walked over to him "You look familiar" he mumbled softly, that slightly caught Robin's attention. "You go to my school right? You're the kid who threw a textbook at the pe teacher?" Upon further examination on Robin's face he did appear to look familiar.

"If you're talking about Mr.Smithian then yes, I do go to that hell hole" Robin was still picking out his candy as per usual, he had by now probably picked out a handful of sweets and he did contuine picking out his sweets.

The other boy let out a small chuckle, "What's your name stranger? I don't wanna keep calling you 'that one dude who hit me with a motorcycle which could have killed me'" Robin had looked up at him, blinking. "Claud" he had softly said "That's cool, I'm Robin" Robin mumbled by now he was carrying more than a handful of sweets. He had moved passs Claud going towards the counter. Claud had looked at him for a while before turning his head and walking towards where they normally kept the drinks, he came here for a reason you know.

Robin had dropped the candy onto the counter and much to the cashier's dismay there was a lot of candy. Though she seemed to skilled in scanning items so she managed to finish in a reasonable time. He grabbed the plastic bags before heading out to the door. Robin had paused for a moment "Goodbye" Robin had mumbled slightly turning his head.

Claud was about to respond but Robin had already left.

They'll meet again, he was sure of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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