Chapter 4: Mela

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Chapter 4: Mela

I slouch in my bed, feeling the soft surface support my weight, as my eyes focused intensely on the bright shine of my laptop. My hands reflexively reblog pictures that catch my attention, while I get notifications about gaining followers in mere minutes. However, when I look into my inbox, there’s hundreds of messages. I brushed away my long jet black hair, and pushed my Ray-Ban glasses up my nose as I check my messages. The content completely made me not surprised.

‘Go die.’ ‘It’s because of people like you, our world is ruined.’ ‘Haha, look I edited a picture of you and a pig. There’s no difference.’ ‘Why don’t you go back to that asian country of yours?’ ‘STOP EXISTING.’

All these words soon engraved into my mind yet for another day. Tears start forming inside my eyes, but before I could allow any to fall, I dart into my bathroom across my room and lock myself in it. I stare at myself in the mirror, my glasses half shattered from all the other days. My hair was messy and all over my face and as I look down at my arms, I see the markings once again. I’ll never escape them. I curl myself into a ball in the middle of the bathroom and start sniffing softly. I didn’t, nor will I ever know why so much hate was flowed into me. The resentment that start since the day I became popular on tumblr was like an ice water splash on my face. It was a good five minutes of my crying softly, ensuring my parents don’t hear or my younger brother, who was worried for me. I look at the sink’s under cabinet, open it and find my blade. We are inseparable now. I take it, and I can feel myself shaking as I bring it closer to my arms. Heartbeat increases, however I still do it. No one will ever understand me, but this process calmed me down. As the blade cut deeper into my arms, crimson droplets of iron erupted from beneath it. Tears wouldn’t stop falling as I crossed my arms with markings, leaving a beautiful fresh scar. I stare at it and stare, until the pain throbs. This is a usual thing as the air is filled with germs so they enter my freshly opened wound.

I lay in my bed, blanket over my whole body including face as I cry myself to sleep. I don’t think there is anymore hope or light in this world, as people; no, the society just keeps getting worse. And I don’t think I will ever reach a hope or light in this world.. maybe, in the other world…

[A/N] Alright so this one's extremely short as there was no events happening from Mela's point of view and I for damn sure didn't want to drag it out with boring uneventful scenes. So here, catch a short Chapter 4 and expect Chapter 5 soon.

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