Chapter 13: Unlucky (Eva)

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Chapter 13: Unlucky (Eva)

My eyes probe open to my annoying alarm at the same time again. I remember who I slept alongside with yesterday, so I expect to open my eyes and see the gorgeous back of Ethan – but all I see is the dim window of outside that was flooded with snow. How did I not predict this? Now I feel all gloomy. I put on a deer knit sweater over my naked bust and top it off with a leather winter coat. I reveal myself to the deathly chill, and make my way towards my school. Again, it was the most loneliest walk of my life, because knowing that today is Ethan and I’s fifth anniversary and we might not spend it with each other just breaks my heart. However, he’s whispered the three magical words to me, carried me from the bar, made me fall asleep – if he cares so much… why did he cheat? It doesn’t make sense. I feel as if it never had happened. That scene. I put my palms straight on the classroom door, and push it open. I look around and see Mela, Ann, and Jen sitting and doing their things. Her cheek seemed fine now, but I wasn’t. I rose up to her, and swung my hand in the air. Poor Jen, I thought. For a second though. A slap met her face and she stared at me as if shocked, however, I can see deep in her eyes she knows she deserved it. “Eva!!” Mela and Ann scream in unison. I shrug them off, and sit right next to Thea’s seat that was unoccupied. I hear Ann and Mela asking Jen reassuring words and blaming me, but she shrugs them off too just like I did. In a few minutes, we hear loud heels tapping on the floor aggressively. They come closer and louder. Soon we see Kodi’s curved hourglass figure appear before our eyes with determination in her eyes. She scans through us, and we were all confused, however, she entered the classroom even faster, reached us and then. And then we were all staring. Kodi slapped Jen in the same spot I did! “You know why.” She tells her, checks her nails and takes a seat next to Mela. Jen looked confused the second Kodi slapped her. “What do you guys think you’re doing?!” Ann shouts at us again. As I eye Kodi, she just shrugs her off just like we did. What a morning to start off Christmas Eve with.

“Ms. Enoph.” Mr. Wickham’s  voice rung in my ears that woke me up – however, I had no intention on excusing myself. “Sir, it is a merry morning today, Christmas Eve, mine and my boyfriend’s fifth anniversary. Don’t break it with a shitty lecture.” I say and everyone in the room. Everyone eyes me. Eyes me with respect though. They all agreed and understood what I’m trying to say, however the only person that didn’t – is the one and only Mr. Wickham. “Use of obscene words, sleeping in class and talking back to the teacher. Aren’t those the laws that you just broke, Ms. Enoph?” His stick went up and down in his palms, as I rolled my eyes on him. “Sir, pour me a glass of whisky and I will agree with everything you say.”

After a few hours it’s Science class. As I enter the laboratory, my eyes skim through my familiar classmates as I see Emil on the far corner, but Thea and Rae on the opposite row. I sit next to them, to occupy the uneven empty seat. We greet each other and we sit and sit. Our teacher is marked as absent, so we are eligible to finish the work we had to. Suddenly, I had a very itchy urge to ask Rae something. Especially with Thea. “Rae, do you still like Emil?” I ask her and fidget with my hands. “Not really. It passed away.” My eyes quickly shoot up to meet hers “So you know about Thea and Emil—“ “Yeah. He confessed to her and all.” I was cut off by Rae’s immediate answers. But I was not quite satisfied. “Confessed to her? I thought you meant the kiss.” I said, and suddenly regret saying it. Rae’s eyebrows arch a confusion and a slow turn towards Thea. Thea’s eyes swarmed with worry, but she tried to stay as calm as usual. “Thea?” Rae’s voice mumbles, as her eyes produce extra shine. If I could, I’d give a medal to Thea. She’s stayed calm and confidently said the supposed truth. “Before he confessed to me he’s kissed me. He forced it all right. Eva spotted us right before I was about to push him away. I swear this is the truth.” She tried to keep her voice stern and confident, and actually, Rae nodded in understanding manner and smiled to her. “Don’t keep these things from me okay.”

We stand in a circle, all 6 of us. When I say 6, I exclude Jen. She was missing for some reason. I could care less for her now though. Mela and Ann were seemingly mad at Kodi and I for out of the blue slapping Jen, but if only they knew the reasons. However, we all talked to each other discussed plans and then bid goodbye. I fidgeted with my loose gray bag that hanged behind me into a comfortable position and then head outside to walk back to my house. I looked below and watched the marble floor change into snowy bricks. I looked up again to clarify my way and see Jen standing in front and waving to me while shyly pushing her glasses that all blurred out. Her dark high ponytail’s base was filled with snow flurries and her dark skin, paled out from the weather. I was ready to walk away and ignore her, but come on, I’m an 18 year old, got to somehow act mature. I motioned towards her and waited for her to start speaking. “Eva I…” She trails off and sniffs as her nose was running. “Now, before you come up with your lame excuses of why the fuck you were kissing my boyfriend, what happened between you and Kodi?” I ask, holding my harshness as best as I could. “I swear Eva. I swear I don't have a clue! I always made sure I never made Kodi mad as you know, she can get quite snappy, but it's not my fault this time!" She reassures me as best as she could.

"Seriously?" I say while rubbing my head. She nods, and I sense her aura being extremely sincere. So I believe her. But our talk is far frmo over. "And what about Ethan?" I say, trying to calm my inner self down as best as I could.

Her eyes widen, as I ask her about Ethan. I guess she has to say everything now.

“Ethan and I… used to date while both of you were in a relationship. He broke it off with me the day you caught us.”

Oh the rage in me. Oh the anger.

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