Chapter 11: Misunderstanding (Ann & Mela)

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Chapter 11: Misunderstanding (Ann & Mela)

Ann’s POV

Yet another day at school. Another boring déjà vu. I walk around the corridors, switching and transitioning classes every few hours as my bobbed dark hair gets messier and messier. Mela stands next to me and talks about the story of her life. “So I accidentally met this really cute guy through tumblr, and we sort of started talking. We even skype yesterday. He treats me the best and tells me the most reassuring words!” She says as a smile crawls on her face. I’m really happy for her, as I was starting to get worried due to her being on the laptop 24/7. “Talking about skype, I haven’t talked to France for a while. I should really call him up.” I say, and suddenly, remembering my boyfriend makes me feel warmed up. “You should.” The jet black haired girl agrees.

The thought of calling my boyfriend was embedded in my brain for a while after out talk, as the second I arrive home I wave my mother, who was laying motionless, gray streaks in her hair, a hello and dart into my room. I drop my bags instinctively and turn on my Macbook. It loads and loads, and my impatience grew higher. Then a picture of our whole group pops up as my wallpaper, as I moved my cursor and double clicked the skype icon. Then I see ‘France’ as online, so my smile reenacts the classical Cheshire look. I video call him, as the connection rings and rings. Rings and rings. Not too long after he picked up and then I see him again after a week. His blonde hair settled perfectly around his forehead, and his hazel eyes rose high above his freckles. “France.” I sighed with relief as I take in his smile. “Ann.” He mimics me and we both laugh. We talk for a while sharing what had happened to us for a long time. “So, you’ve talked to girls while I’m not there?” I say as a joke, but suddenly he stutters. “U-uh no. You’re my only.” He says, a vague smile on his face. Even though it did not go without notice that he seemed a little forced of the smile, I still accepted his compliment that made me lose my mind. And as we sat there in a silence as we felt the love passing through the connections, France suddenly felt disordered and he was stuttering. “What?” I say curiosity filling my mind. “N-Nothing. It’s just that see.. my dad is calling me on skype and we haven’t chatted for a while.” He says rubbing his hair. “Didn’t you say your dad is at work?” I said, doubts arising. “O-Oh. Did I say dad? I meant Pat. A friend of mine.” He was rushing, so I didn’t want to keep him waiting. “Alright. Have fun.” I say and smile happily. He waves me goodbye and quickly hangs up. I don’t know what was that all about – maybe that was his usual behavior. We haven’t seen each other in person for about 2 years now. Oh well, I still have my heart devoted to him.

Mela’s POV

As I come back home from school, I first check up on my younger brother who is in 4th grade that skipped school today because he caught a flu. I kneel down upon him, kiss his forehead and wish him a get well soon. I ran off to my room, close the door slowly and I already know exactly what I’m going to do. Forget tumblr, I’m going on skype immediately. But before I did, I opened my wardrobe and put on some clothes. Even though he does keep complimenting me of the fact that I don’t have to dress up nicely, anything will look good on me – Im a girl still. I toss on me a blue tank top and white shorts. I realized my scars were showing, so I put on a black cardigan along with my outfit. I jumped happily on my bunk bed and let the brightness of the computer fill my mind. I was ready to talk to him for yet another day. As I press call, I waited and waited. It was a long wait alright, but my patience was worth the while. He answered, and then switched on his webcam. He seemed kind of lost for a few seconds, but then gave me a big smile that took my heart away. “France.” I say. “Mela.” He whispers back.

Again, we got carried away with our chit chats, that didn’t even make sense at all. We made a few inside jokes that only both of us knew. Only both of us. I flipped my long jet black hair, as I felt kind of hot. So I stripped down my cardigan, that once was off, made me feel much lighter. I realized that I looked extremely weird, removing a piece of my clothing in front of a guy so I give a chuckle – but France gasped. “What?” I said, a little bit of fear overflowing me. And suddenly, France’s smile disappeared into sadness. “Mela! Those scars!” He says, as my eyes immediately shift to my arms. Fuck. I forgot that the whole point of the cardigan was to cover these up. “T-They are nothing I swear, just some cuts from PE practice.” I try to brush away the topic as I cover my arms with one another. “No Mela. Those are not some cuts. Why? Why did you ruin your beauty with such reckless way?” He says, as I see pity in his eyes. I hate being pitied by. I reply with silence. “That’s it. I’m visiting the country.”

[A/N] Quick clarification. France does not know that Mela knows Ann personally. Since Mela never met France when he was in country and dating Ann, she thinks her France is another France. Oh god, Franception. 

Also, I just realized how cliche the ending is. I'm so sorry it's so unrealistic, but I HAD to just do it. I'm so sorry people who hate cliches .-.

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