chapter 4

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Soooo Abby called me and told me that Sydney was shot. So right now I am packing to go home to Pennsylvania. Trevor comes in my room singing echo till he sees me packing. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Home something happened to my friend." "Oh ok... can I come??" "Sure"
Magical time skip cuz I can
So we just got on the plane and I fell asleep.
I don't want to go tho. I told the gang. The gang included Sydney, Alex, Abby, Lexa, Katy and me. I was leaving to move to go to L.A. We had just gottin bailed out of jail from tagging behind walmart. We were all in tears. We all we like sisters and now we were getting separated. We all cared for each other. It's where I learned boxing and street racing.
I woke up to Trvor shaking me saying we were there. We went and found a taxi and told him the directions. When we got to the hospital we asked the receptionist where Sydney was. When she told me a darted for the room while Trvor took our shit to the hotel. When I got there everyone was gone. I climed into the bed when she saw me and i asked what happened. She told me that she owed people money and she didn't have it. We both got tired of waiting for everyone so we both fell asleep. It's been 2 years since I saw the gang. It was hard enough leaving them the first time. I am NOT ever leaving them again. No matter what.

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