Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up with a start. I tried to move but I found myself tied to a chair. I opened my eyes and looked around. Well I'm not home anymore. I thought sadly. I could easily tell that we were in a basement. It was dark and the only light that was in the basement was coming from a very small window. It was way too small for me to fit in but maybe Joey. Thinking his name reminded me of the past events. I really hope they didn't find him. A small whimper dragged me away from my thoughts. I looked around again and saw that I wasn't the only one in here. "Mum?" my voice slightly shaking.

"Lisa is that you sweetie?" Relief washed over me that mum was still alive. "Yes Mum it's me. Are you okay? Is Amy here?" I heard a sigh and another small whimper. "Amy is that you?"

"N-n-no. I-it's J-j-joey" My breath caught in my throat. NO!

"How did they get you Joey? I thought you were hiding?" I said in a whisper. I can't believe he's here. HE WAS SUPPOSED TO SAFE!

"I s-saw one of t-the b-b-bad men grab you a-and put somet-thing over y-your mouth. T-then you just dropped to the ground." he said it all in-between sobs. "I w-was about to run t-to you but you told me to stay so I did but t-then the man w-who grabbed you came into the room and s-started to look around. I-I tried to stay as quite as I could but after he got your money from your piggy b-bank he found m-me." I felt anger swirl in me at the thought of someone who would do this to a 5 year old.

"Did they hurt you?" I said after a minute trying not to deflect my anger onto my family.

"Well m-my arm hurts from where he g-grabbed me but that's all. I-I don't r-r-remember anything a-after that." now I could feel my blood boiling. I took a few deep breaths to try and calm myself.

"Are you alright Mum?"

"I'll be fine sweetie." her voice shaking told me that she was hurt. I opened my mouth to say something but I got cut off by a door opening from above the stairs.

"Well well well look who's finally awake" the guy who grabbed me said. He looked older so let’s call him Guy 1. I sent him a death glare that I was surprised it didn't kill him. I heard someone say "Please don't hurt me or my family" in a sob. I knew that it was Amy so I tried to get out of the ropes that were bound so tight around me it was hard to breathe but that didn't stop me from trying.

"Let her GO!" I didn't even see guy 1 get closer to me but I did when he slapped me. My head snapped to the side and I felt pain in the side of my cheek. "You don't speak unless spoken too." He said with disgust in his voice. I snorted at his statement but this only earned me another slap. I tugged on the ropes and I felt them starting to give a little. I started to move my hands around to let the ropes slip a bit. Pain shot through my wrists and arms as I squirmed. My hands were almost free. Almost. There. The ropes around my hands tugged free and slipped to the ground. I tried to catch so they wouldn't know. I looked up and they but they were talking to each other. Good they didn't notice. I only caught some of what they were saying

"....didn't look like he lived there."

"....he'll pay up."

'What if he doesn't?" I had an idea of who they were talking about but he wouldn't help us if his life depended on it. Guy 1 said something to Guy 2 but I couldn't hear what he said. The ropes around my arms had loosened around me. If I stood up they'll slip off.

"Let me worry about it but in the mean time we can have some fun." I shuddered. We had to get out of here and soon. Guy 2 turned to my sister and hit her. I bit the inside of my lip trying to calm myself so I won't attack him just yet. "Go put her in a chair." Guy 1 ordered Guy 2. Guy 2 grabbed Amy by her hair and started to move her but she was resisting him with all her might. I looked at Guy 1 to see him turn around towards my mother. I took this as my chance. I stood up and made a run for Guy 1. I knocked him over a grabbed something to knock him out. Someone grabbed me from behind but then it was gone. I was confused but I didn't turn around. I went for Guy 1 again and knock him down again. I heard a less then satisfying crack. I shuddered knowing he was unconscious. I lifted his and let it go. It just dropped back to the ground again. I smiled triumphantly and turned around to see Guy 2 kick my sister in the stomach and he ran towards me. A small foot came out of nowhere and Guy 2 didn’t see and tripped over it. I chuckled knowing it was Joey who did it. Before Guy 2 could get up I ran forwards towards him. I grabbed the rope that tied me up just minutes from before. Amy jumped on Guy 2's back and held him down.

"Now 'Tim' what do you what with us?" She said the name Tim very sarcastically. I raised my eyebrow confused. Did she name him? She shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing. “I heard them talking. His name is Tim and the other guy is Michael." She said. I tossed her the rope.

"Make sure you tie it really tight. We don't want him getting out." She nodded her head and went to her task. I turned around and looked for my mother. I gasped at what I saw. Guy 1 now known as Michael held a gun to my mother’s head. I heard the click of the gun and I felt sweat trickle down my face. I wasn't quite sure what to do. I held my hands up in a surrendering gesture.

"Let. My. Brother. Go." Michael said with a growl.


If your reading this this story then I thank you so very much. :) If you are one of those people who has waited for a long time for this chapter then I'm so sorry you had to wait long for it.

Anyway I hope you like the story. Please continue to read it. IT MEANS SO MUCH!!!

(This story is going to be a short story, Also it's not edited)

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