Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I nod. “Okay just let my mum go. We won’t hurt him as long as you don’t hurt us. Please just let us go.” I pleaded/ He just gave me a crooked smile. It gave me a creepy feeling. “What do you want?” I didn’t know what to do anymore.

“We want money and we know you have it.” I heard my mother snort. She was thinking the same as me.

“It’s not us you want. We don’t have the money you want. You’re looking for……..” I couldn’t say it.

“Your father?” He suggested. I nodded. We haven’t seen him in years. “We gave him a ransom letter. He’ll come running.” This time my mum just right out laughed. It wasn’t a happy one either. It was sarcastic. I’ve never heard her like that.

“Them you haven’t done your homework. He didn’t want us then and he won’t want us now.” My mother sneered. I was shocked to hear her say that. It hurt too. Remembering what happened made me start to cry. It was just a few trickles but that was more than he deserved. My mum looked at me and me saw regret on her face. I wiped the few tears on my cheeks and turned to Michael.

“My mum’s right. He won’t come for us. He never has. He’s got another family.” I whispered but I knew he heard me. He just shook his head.

“He will.” That was all he said. He grabbed mum and pushed her to a chair and tied her up while pointing the gun at me. After he finished tying up mum he walked over to me and grabbed my arm. He roughly pushed me onto the chair I was on before and tied me to the chair but a lot harder this time. He walked over to my sister and his brother. I looked around confused as to where Joey went. I couldn’t see him anywhere. I looked towards the stairs and saw his retreating figure. He looked back at me and I mouthed “Go on.” He nodded and ran quietly up the rest of the stairs. I looked back to Amy and saw she was in the chair Tim was in not two minutes ago. Michael held his brother up but Tim fell to the ground after tripping over his feet. I tried holding in my laughter but I couldn’t contain it. That was until Michael came over and slapped me. My face hurt but I was still giggling. Tim walked past me glaring. I heard Amy laughing too.


After for what seemed like hours when in reality it’s been not quit an hour Michael and Tim still haven’t noticed Joey’s disappearance. As if knowing what I was thinking, Amy looked around confused a lot like I did. She looked at me. I just smiled. She smiled back and nodded. I haven’t heard much from mum since her little outburst. She was probably stuck in her head with the memories. That’s not good.


Ten years ago

I heard my parent’s yelling at each other from downstairs. I felt someone grab my hand so I looked up to see Max. He dragged me into Amy’s room. Amy was on her bed with her hands over her tiny ears. I walked over to her and hugged her. I felt her relax into me so I stayed like that until she’ll fall asleep. It didn’t take long because it was three in the morning and she’s goes to sleep at nine. I gently got off the bed and walked out. I heard Max trying to calm my father down. I walked downstairs and over to my mum. She was crying on the floor. I sat down next to her hugged her. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tightly. I was trying to block out my father but he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up. My feet were barely touching the ground. He looked me up and down in disgust,

“This whole family is disgusting. I’m leaving and I’m never coming back. I don’t want you and no one use will either.” I felt tears stream down my face from his hurtful words. My father looked me straight in the eyes and said “And you better get used to being lonely because you will for the rest of your miserable life, you pathetic girl.” He slapped me across my left cheek and dropped me to the ground. Max pushed him and said something but I was to shell shocked to respond to anything. Arms pulled me up and I was being carried. A moment later I felt I was being put onto something soft. I blinked a couple of times and saw I was in Max’s room. I looked up at him. He grabbed something from his desk and walked back over to me. Downstairs my parents were yelling again. Max put a hand on my swollen cheek.

“Do not listen to what he says. He is not a nice person. You won’t end up alone. You’ll get married and have kids and you’ll have your dream job.” I smiled t my brother and hugged him. More tears spilt over and I felt giant comfy things go over my small ears. I looked up at max going through his songs. I realised I must have his headphones on. He was blocking out our parent fighting. I hugged him and felt myself falling asleep. I welcomed the peaceful bliss.

End Flashback

Tears fell down my cheeks once again. I couldn’t help them. Hid words had hurt more than the slap.

A couple years later mum had met someone and then had Joey but he’s on a business trip right now so he won’t be of any help right now. Looking around trying to find something that could get us out of here I notice a nail in the wood board behind me. I turned back to look for Michael and see he’s in a heated discussion with Tim. I couldn’t hear anything they were saying. I just hope Joey has found help. Michael abruptly sat up and stomped up the stairs, Tim following behind him. If he was a dog, I’m sure he’d have hi tail between his legs. Laughing at the mental image Tim turned around and gave me a funny look but continued up the stairs. Amy was looking at me weird too so I just shook my head and contained my laughter.

Waiting for a couple of minutes before I start my plan, I wait to see if anyone is near the door. When I’m satisfied that no one’s there I jump in my seat making it move backwards. I jumped again and again and felt the wood behind me. I fumble around looking for the nail. I feel a sharp circle nail. It’s not out to far so I try to unscrew it. Twisting my writ I bite my lip so I down scream. This isn’t working. I accidentally twisted the nail anti clockwise and realised I was going the wrong way. Sighing annoyed, I started to twist it the right way. When it was out enough but not so much that it will come out, I start to work on the rope. Moving backwards and forwards I can feel the rope burn my skin. Wincing every time I continue to move, I can feel the rope starting to give. After a couple more twists and turns the rope falls off my wrists. Standing up I run over to Amy, Mum was still in her little dream world. I’ll help her in a minute. I untie Amy’s rope and we run over to mum. Amy starts to untie the rope while I try to get her out of her world.

“Mum. Mum? You need to snap out of it. We’re going to get out of here.” I saw tears trickle down her face.

“I’m so sorry Lisa. I didn’t mean what I said. Well I did bu-“

“I know what you mean but you have to forget that right now.” She nodded and started to wriggle. When she was free we started to walk up the stairs slowly up the stairs. This was it. Would we get free or will we be stuck here forever?

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