Part 18

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Chapter 18

Charlie watched as the two of them walked off together. When she had first arrived, she saw the woman standing on the porch, and could feel her stomach drop. She was stunning, that was a fact, but as she had finally gotten closer, she was able to see the wrinkles around the woman's eyes, smile lines as her grandmother liked to call them.

"She's hot," Peyton said, a grin on his face.

Charlie rolled her eyes at him. "She also a good thirty years older than you."

"Less than thirty, but I think I'm the only one counting. Hey, you think we should be part of that conversation? 'Cause, I'm thinking we should."

He jumped over the counter he was previously leaning on and followed Zeke and Carrey. Charlie stood there for a moment, trying to decide whether she wanted to follow or not. Did she want to infringe on their privacy?

"Nothing is private in this house," Carrey called out. "Come on in and join the conversation. The more ears, the better."

Seeing as the woman's words were a clear invitation, Charlie stepped into the living room, noticing that the only open seat was the one right next to Zeke on the loveseat. Both Carrey and Peyton sat in chairs opposite the loveseat. She let out a sigh before settling down beside Zeke. To be honest, she was still a little angry that she was so easily seen through. The man had known that she was jealous of the woman, who had turned out to be his mother. He couldn't read her thoughts, so she knew that wasn't how he figured it out. There was only one other explanation, it was written all over her face.

Carrey leaned forward in her seat. "You're good for him, Charlie. Do not let him allow you to think otherwise." The woman straightened before Charlie could reply, but when she looked at Zeke through the corner of her eye, she was surprised to find the man smiling. It seemed that when he was around his mother, all he did was smile.

"Down to business," Zeke said.

Zeke's mother nodded, a sad expression crossing her face. "I could not tell your Ally-Cat this, but there will be a death, one that will be hard on her, but she cannot stop. When the time comes, let her know that she cannot do anything to prevent it as she did with Adam. There are only so many lives you can save before you change the ripple of time. Ally has done enough as there is. Under no circumstances is she to bring this person back. Do you understand, son?"

He nodded. "I understand."

"Well, I don't," Peyton blurted. "Who is going to die? Is it going to be me, because that would suck."

Carrey laughed as her head shook. "No, there are other plans for you, ones that you will not learn of. When the time comes, remember to listen to what is in your heart, not your head. You mind can play tricks on you, but your heart will forever stay true."

"True on you."

Zeke growled, making Peyton smile. How did the man not realize that Peyton flirted with Carrey simply because it annoyed Zeke? Charlie knew Peyton would never actually consider mating with the woman. Someone like Peyton was born to be a father, a leader, and with Zeke's mother, he would get neither.

"Enough," Carrie said, in a caring, but chastising voice.

Zeke turned his eyes on his mother. "There is more, is there not?"

"More, yes, but can you hear it? No. Go for a run, or something, and take Peyton with you. I need to have a talk with your lady friend."

"She is not my girlfriend, Mother," Zeke said, rising to his feet and walking away.

"I know," Carrey called out, "which is why I called her your lady friend!"

Charlie could hear Zeke groan as he left the house, Peyton behind him. They sat there in silence until Charlie could not take it anymore. "Did you want to speak with me?"

"Yes, but just one more minute until he's completely gone... Okay, we're good. That boy of mine can hear better than others. I like to make sure he is very far away before I say anything he cannot hear."

"I can hear it though?" Charlie asked, confused.

Carrey nodded. "As long as you do not repeat the words I tell you, you will be fine, Zeke will be fine. Know this, Charlie; he is my son, the only one of my children that I have left. If something were to happen to him, I would not stop until the person who caused his death was dead themselves. Do you understand that?"

"I do," she answered simply. Charlie would be the same if it were her child that was in danger. One thing could be said about shifters, they were very protective of their own. "What is it that you wanted to tell me?"

The woman let out a sigh, while flopping back onto the chair. The wrinkles around her face were more prominent, letting Charlie know that the woman was tired. "You have caused quite a bit of trouble. Some trouble needed to be stirred, while others were useless."


"It is not a reprimand, dear. I am simply speaking of your actions. Even though you put them in these situations, you would do anything for them. You are a true warrior at heart, but you cannot bring yourself to kill. That is something you need to get over quick. There will be times where by boy needs fighting hands by his side."

Charlie leaned back in her own seat, feeling overwhelmed by the woman's words. "How do you know all this?"

Carrey tapped the side of her head. "It's all in here. Now, listen. This is the most important part. There will be a time that you have to choose. Your pact or my son. Choose wisely, Charlie, because the decision will be yours alone. Remember not to allow other's words sway you in your path. Stay true to who you are, even if that person brings trouble to everyone around them."

She nodded at the woman, not knowing how to feel about her words. Half of her liked knowing, liked being prepared, while the other half wished she never knew. Letting out a sigh, she rose to her feet. "I think I am going to bed," Charlie mumbled, walking past the woman.

"Have a nice night!" Carrey called out as Charlie walked into the room clearly marked with her name. She glanced around, noting that the walls were her favorite color. Walking towards the drawers, she opened them to find a whole line of clothing in her size. Right then, Charlie knew that Carrey was more than what she seemed. From now on, Charlie was going to remember each word the woman spoke, because she had a feeling that each word counted when it came to Zeke's mother.

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