Part 27

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Chapter 27

She stood across from him, a large welcoming smile on her face.  He stopped outside the cabin and stared at her, making her green eyes narrow in false anger. 

“What are you waiting for?” she called out with a happy laugh.  “We’re all waiting for you, Zeke.  You don’t even know how many times the triplets have sent me images of you.  I don’t think they like their godfather being away.”

He tightened his grip on Charlie’s hand, happy that his life was finally on track.  This was it.  He would be where he wanted, when he wanted, and didn’t have to worry about the threats.  They were taken care of.  Those who wanted Ally and her family dead, were no longer a problem, and if Zeke could kill them all again, he would do so with pleasure.

Even thinking about them sent his blood boiling.  How could anyone want to cause harm to Ally?  Even if they despised the woman, how could they want to cause harm to babies, beings so innocent and vulnerable.

Charlie tugged on his hand, making her glance towards him.  “If you keep thinking about the past,” she mumbled with a smile, “we’re never going to be able to move on from it.”

Peyton laughed from behind him.  “Will the two of you wait until you’re in your room to do that lovey dovey stuff.  It’s getting a little bit annoying.”

“Zeke!” a voice called out; breaking the attention he had on Peyton.

He turned towards the cabin again, surprised to see not only Ally, but also Seb, Blake, and Adam standing there, waiting on him.  “Is something wrong?” he shouted.

Thoughts bombarded him, making him wince at the amplitude of them.  Something was wrong; he could feel it in the air.  He closed his eyes, trying to block the thoughts from his mind.  Freezing, he glanced down at Charlie’s hand.  He shouldn’t be able to hear others thoughts, not with their skin-to-skin contact.

His eyes snapped open, and a shout rose to his lips.  Nothing escaped though as Ally lunged forward.  Never, had he seen her move as fast as she did in that moment.  Her hands connected with his chest, pushing him to the right.  He knocked into Charlie and Peyton.  The force of Ally’s push sent all three of them flying in the opposite direction.

From his spot on the ground, he saw her clutch her chest.  The three men behind her let out a shout as they did the same.  Tears were rolling down Seb’s face as he tried to make his way towards Ally.  Before he could, they fell to their knees.

Zeke jumped to his feet, ignoring the fact that there would be other danger; that others could be there to harm him.  “Ally!” he shouted, feeling panic fill him at the sight of blood pooling through her fingers.

He reached her and didn’t hesitate to shove her hands from the wound to look at how bad the damage was himself.  He could do something; he could fix this.  He could always fix it; he could always help Ally when she needed him. 

Her tongue darted out, licking her bottom lip.  It was the first time he noticed the blood flowing from the side of her mouth.  “You didn’t think I would let you die, did you?” she asked, a smile in her eyes.  She took a shuddering breath before letting it out.  “Break it,” she gasped, falling forward onto him.

Clutching her to his chest, he could feel tears cloud his eyes at helplessness took over.  “I don’t know what you’re saying, Ally.”

“The bonds,” she coughed against his chest, and he could feel blood splatter against him.  “You have to break the bonds before I die.”

“You’re not going to die,” he snarled, hating to think of the possibility.

She pushed away from him with what little strength she had.  A smile formed on her face.  “Selfish of me to make you come back for this,” she said, closing her eyes, “but I can’t let them die too.”

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