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Zeref Pov
I looked back at Mavis with my uface still red the fuzzy feeling not leaving. " Zeref please show Mavis around while me and her father catch up. " Of Course, com'on Mavis." I led her out of the room,  " So? Let's start outside then. " She looked at me and smiled " Ok!" She grabbed my hand and let me lead her outside. " Ok. This is my parents place, over here is my dad's training grounds. And that's my mom's garden, and this is the other people who live in this area house although most stay in my house." She looks so engrossed in what I was telling her... it was kind of cute If you ask me. " So is my family going to be staying in your house?" She looked up at me full of wonder. " I'm not sure.. my dad would have the answer. We'll ask him later." She smiled up at me which made my cheeks flare up. We ended up playing until it was time to go inside for food. Since it was a nice day outside we all ate out there. Natsu sat by Lucy and I sat by Mavis. We all chated about nothing until Natsu decided to insult Lucy. "Wait so you have no idea of the story Natoma? Man you're a complete idiot!!!" Me and Mavis turned to Natsu glaring at him. Lucy's eyes started to water, she got up and ran away from the table. "Lucy wait!!! Come back!" Mavis yelled. She turned to Natsu "You jerk that was rude!" Mavis sprinted off to find her sister, I grabbed Natsu by the collar of his shirt "What the heck was that Natsu?! Man you hurt her feelings!" Natsu pushed me away from him " She doesn't know the story Zeref! What did you expect?!" I hit Natsu in the gut. "They're not like us!!! They don't know about werewolves! Or that there parents run a wolf pack! Next time keep your mouth shut!!" I left Natsu and ran after Mavis to help her find Lucy.

Lucy Pov

I kept running until I stopped at a nice quiet lake, I sat down and continued to cry silently. "Why would he say that? I don't know a lot about this place or folktales." I heard rustling in the bushes behind me and I jumped up scared. A young boy with
Raven black hair and red eyes stepped out of the undergrowth. My face went completely red, why you ask? Because the boy was shirtless. "Are you ok? I heard someone crying so I came to see who it was. But I don't think I know you. Who are you?" I looked straight at the boy " My names Lucy. Um who are you? And why do you not have a shirt on?!" The boy looked down at his bare chest and raised an eyebrow " Does it bother you?" My face started to get even redder " W-well yea but not really. Anyway you never answered my question. Who are you?" The boy came closer to me and stuck out his hand " My names Rouge. But some people call me Ryos. I prefer Rogue, but feel free to call me what ever you like." I carefully grab his hand to shake back. He sat down on the bank of the river and motioned for me to sit down with him. I sat down and looked at him while he stared at the river " I've always liked this place it's calm. Used to be my secret place until you found it. But I'm ok with sharing it with you." He said quietly. I don't know why but I blushed at his words, he suddenly spoke up again " So if I may ask why were you crying? Who made you cry?" I looked down sadly "I was with my sister and our new friends Zeref and Natsu. We were talking and he mentioned something about Natoma. But I didn't know and he called me an idiot and kept insulting me." Tears were pooling in my eyes again until I felt a warm arm wrap around my shoulder. I looked at Rogue who had pulled me into a hug. "It's ok. Natsu likes to think he's the best because of who his dad is. But he's all bark and no bite. I don't think you're an idiot." Rogue looked at me then back at the river. "LUCY!!!! Where are you?!" I turned because I heard my sister's voice. I decided not to answer because they probably have Natsu with them. "You not going to answer?" I shook my head "They probably have Natsu with them." We heard rustling behind us and Mavis popped out into the clearing along with Zeref. But Natsu wasn't with them. "Lucy why didn't you answer me? I was worried." Mavis looked upset by my actions. Zeref stood in front of her "Lucy I'm so sorry about what Natsu said to you. I made sure to  show him he was wrong." I smiled to Zeref and Mavis " It's ok. I'm fine with it. He's just a jerk." Rogue silently stood up and tried to walk away but I grabbed his hand preventing him. He stopped and looked at me, walking back towards me and stood next to me. Zeref looked at Rogue " Hey Rogue what are you doing out here? I thought you were with your dad." He shrugged " He other things to take care of." Mavis decided to speak this time " Ok. Since we found Lucy I think we should go back. Our parents will be worried." We nodded and start to head in that direction. Mavis was speaking with Zeref and I was talking to Rogue. We got back to the house and Natsu ran up to me and the others. I grabbed Rogues hand tightly, he responded by squeezing my hand.

Rogue Pov

After speaking with Lucy I feel happy. Very happy but I don't know why. We headed back, almost undisturbed until we hear Natsu calling out to us while running. He stopped right in front of Lucy and Me. "Lucy I'm sorry. I'll tell you the story if you'd like." Lucy looked at Zeref and then me. She grabbed my hand and I tightened my grip " Natsu leave her alone." He looked at me angry "What did you say?? Stay out of it Rogue, it's none of your concern." I lowly growled at him " She's my friend now. Everything regarding her concerns me." Natsu charged at me throwing his fists at my face but missing terribly.  I hit him in the gut and knocked him down. I sat on top of him not letting him go. "Hear me now? Leave her alone!" He stopped struggling and I let him up but not before Alpha Igneel saw us fighting. He rushed over and pulled Natsu away just like my dad Skiadrum did to me. "What the heck is going on?!?!" I said nothing just lowly growling at Natsu. Zeref spoke up and told Igneel everything. And to say Natsu got in trouble would be an understatement. I got off free with just a warning. Glad Natsu will never be my Alpha, his brother will be though. I'm ok with that. Lucy looked at me and smiled, I felt my face go hot. Zeref looked and smirked at me " What is this feeling?" I grabbed her hand and headed towards the firepit along with Zeref and Mavis to hear the tale of Natoma. Unbeknownst to the girls it's the legend of our pack. I hope if she finds out she doesn't hate me.

Ok I'm sorry for not updating sooner, I will update quicker. I know there was some Rogue x Lucy action in there. But ya'll better not judge. Cause some may root for Natsu or for Rogue. It's going to get intresting.

Zeref x Mavis (My Mate's a Human?) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now