Nashville Quotes

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Scarlett: My ex is sleeping with my best friend and I can't take this personally?

Rayna: She's gonna toughen up.

Deacon: Not everybody's as tough as you are.

Deacon: You're definitely growing up fast, just not too fast okay? I just got here.

Rayna(To Deacon): You and I have been doing a real good job of keeping our distance and moving on with our lives, but we're just not gonna be able to do that. We have a daughter together. She's asking for you, she wants her father.

Deacon: It really doesn't bother you does it?

Megan: As you would say...nope.

Deacon: I used to think polo was just a bunch of rich guys riding around on horses smacking a ball...turns out i was right.

Avery: I'd rather be a barback and make my own music than wear golden handcuffs.

Juliette: It really sucks when you think someone's got your back and they don't

Rayna: You don't need to be anybody's guitar player. You might need to take a minute, figure out who you are without a guitar in your hand, but don't you ever say you're done with music.

Deacon: You either ok? 

Juliette: It's a shame, damn accident ruined two great careers.

Deacon: It hurts too much being around music if I can't play it. 

Teddy: When I was sworn in, I promised to clean up the city. And everyone knows that any business with Wyatt Industries, is dirty business.

Glen:You might wanna stop poking that bear.

Rayna: I really think it's time that Jeff Fordham met the Wyatt side of Rayna James.

Rayna: I think I've lost my voice. I don't know who I am without it.

Jeff: If I had a suspicious nature, I'd think there was more to it than that. Oh wait. I do have a suspicious nature

Deacon: Here I am, I'm a drunk, just like him...and I hurt people I love, just like him. but I'll tell you something, I ain't never hurt a child, and I'll be damned if I ever will. 

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