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Im starting it YAY IM SO EXCITED!!!

Just so you know, I'm going to steal some of the wizard of oz's beginning so, EXPECT REFERENCES!

(P/L)-Place you live in

(Y/N)-You Name

(F/C)- Favorite Color


(Your P.O.V)

I was working in the farm in my homeland of (P/L). It was a family reunion, and we had to set up the decorations and such all over the farm. It was quite fun living in a farm house. I prefer countrey life then city life. Now that I think about, I never actually been to a city before, but i dont plan on going anytime soo. The only downside of living here is that there are a lot of storms like tornadors (hint hint~) and hurricanes.

Speaking of which, that's how this story began. This story begins. The decerations were all up, and family started to arrive. We greeted them, and started the barbecue. We were making cheeseburgers, one of my favorite lunch. Just as I was about to take a bite, a raoring circular-like wind swooped it out of my hands.

Confused, I look behind me, only to see a giant twister wrecking everything in its path; and it was heading straight for us.

My family started to scream. I ran over to the farm house, signaling everyone to follow me. They did as they were told and ran into the farm house. Before I went in, I made sure all the kids were in, then the women, then the men. I had to make sure my family was safe. I wouldn't know what I would do without them. Everyone was inside and I was about to go inside. But before I could, the tornado swooped me up just like it did with my cheeseburger. I was scared, not knowing what to do, not knowing if I was going to live or die. I couldn't see anything, I just see clouds and everything spinning, but I could tell that, due to my family shouting my name getting more distant, I was flying farther and farther away from the place I call home.

I struggled hard to get free from the huge twister, but it was no use, I would get sucked right back in. I just couldn't accept the fact that I might never see my family again. I started to cry as those bothersome, yet dark thoughts appear in my head.

The twister finally let me free, but it threw me into the air. I knew this was going to hurt, so I closed my eyes, bracing for inpact. Then I heard a dark, sickening CRACK! I felt a sharp pain in my head. With the remaining strength I had, I called for help, but nothing came. I started cry, thinking this was the end, as my vision got blurry, and soon, darkness over took me.


Did you guys like it? And trust me, Jason will be in the next chapter! 

I look foward to updating!

Aur Reviour!~ (think this is how you spell it... :/ )

Familiar (MinecraftUniverse x Reader)(Very VERY slow updates)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя