Bulletproof Love

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She was my best friend. We did everything together. We met in 5th grade. She was popular and I wasn't. I was an outcast, bullied everyday. She saved me from the harassment one day after school.


I walked out of school slowly, dreading going home. It wasn't even a home anymore. He tore it apart, turned everyone against me. He is the one who makes me wanna jump off a bridge and die. I hate my stepfather. Everybody else lives him and thinks he can do no evil, but I know better. I was snapped from my train of thoughts as I was shoved to the ground. I heard giggles from behind me and sighed internally. Can't they give me a break? its bad enough I get it from home but no, I have to get it at school to. I was picking myself up from the sidewalk when one of the girls kicked me hard In the stomach. I hit the sidewalk again and clutched my stomach in pure agony.

"Come on! Get up you worthless bitch!" one of them yelled at me. Usually their insults didnt get to me because I was so used to them but their harsh words is what pushed me past the breaking point. Tears streamed down my face as they continued their harsh punishment. They kicked me and punched me until I was bruised and bloody. When they were done I was about to pass out.

"That's what you get you little whore." One of them said while spitting on me. I wiped away the spit as they walked away laughing. I tried to sit up but pain ripped through my body. I yelped out loud and I heard footsteps run over to me. I tried to hide my face but I could barely move.

"Hey are you oka- holy shit! do you need an ambulance? Who did this?" said a beautiful voice. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I looked up at her and winced as I realized who it was. It was Nilah, one of the most popular girls in school. I fell backwards in fear.

"Hey I'm not gonna hurt you! I want to help! Who did this to you?" she asked as she moved closer to me.

" It was a group of girls. I-I dont know who they were" i stuttered out. She grabbed my arm and helped me up. Nilah was about 5'5 and had Dirty blonde hair and deep brown eyes that you could stare into all day. She had a smile that could light up anybody's day and a small figure that had curves in all the right places. I accepted her help and she walked me to my house which luckily wasn't that far away. I lived in a small, one bedroom house. My mother and stepfather slept in the living room and me and my sisters slept in the only bedroom. It was hell but at least it was somewhere to sleep. We reached my door and I turned back to her. She smiled and hugged me gently.

"See you at school tomorrow yeah?" She asked me. I nodded and she turned away but stopped.

"Hey what's your name?" she asked.

"Uh..its..er...Nikki" I stuttered out. She smiled and my heart melted.

"Okay Nikki. See you tomorrow." She said as she walked away. I sighed ad prepared myself for the beating that would occur when I walked in that hellhole called home.

______/end flashback\______ I sighed as I remembered the first memory we had together. I missed her so much. I should have been there for her. I could have saved her. I could have done somet-

My thoughts were interrupted as I reached her gravestone. I kneeled down in front of it and placed the white rose I had on top of the headstone. Tears ran freely down my face as I read the inscription for the thousandth time. It said.

Here lies Nilah Poppy Hanks

A wonderful friend,daughter


I looked over the grave, clearing the autumn leaves that had fallen.

"Hey Nilah. It's been awhile. I miss you so much. Thinks just haven't been the same without you here. School is a living hell without you there to protect me. The beatings have gotten worse but I promised you I would stay strong and I'm trying so hard. How's it going up there in heaven? Is it nice? I wish I could be there with you. I'm sure it's a lot better than down here. Anyway, as I was walking up here I was thinking about the first time you ever spoke to me. Do you remember that? You helped me after I had gotten jumped in the middle of the street. It was the sweetest thing ever. I remember the crush I had on you and how you turned me down that one Valentines day, but it only made our friendship stronger. Remember that song Therapy by All Time Low? Yeah I bet you do. you used to sing that to me whenever I was having an anxiety attack and it would make me calm down." I stifled a sob as memories came rushing back to me.

"I don't know why you had to leave me so early. We were best friends. Why would you leave me here?" I cried. I got only silence in return. I kissed my fingers and pressed them on the gravestone and stood up. I wiped at my tears hastily and began to walk away. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a drag. Nilah said that this was gonna kill me one day but I secretly hoped it did. I didn't care anymore. As I was walking down a path that led to the woods I noticed someone sitting behind a tree. If they were trying to hide, they were failing miserably because they're pink cotton candy hair was poking out into the open. With a shrug I stumped out my cigarette on a nearby tree And walked over to the person. As I got closer I noticed it was a guy about my age laying there listening to music. I stepped around the tree and saw his eyes were closed. I kneeled down beside him and shook his shoulder gently. His eyes shot open and he jumped away from me. I put my hands up in defense. He took out his earbuds and gave me a look of confusion. I shrugged.

"Hey sorry dude, I just thought I might warn you that this isn't exactly an ideal place to sleep. They're a lot of weirdos out here." He smiled at me and laughed. God his laugh was perfect. He held out his hand.

"I'm Jason.And thanks for the warning but I think I'm the weirdo people should be watching out for." I shook his hand.

"I'm Nikki and glad were on the same page." I said smiling. I stood up to leave but he stopped me.

" Hey Nikki, what brings you to a spooky old graveyard? I mean surely you should be In school at this hour."

I froze at his bluntness. I turned around slowly and gave him a smirk.

"You look like your in the same grade as me. Why aren't you in school?" I asked avoiding the other question. He shrugged.

"I'm new here. I start school tomorrow." He said simply. I nodded in return and started to walk away. He stopped me again.

"Wait Nikki!" he shouted, racing to catch up with me. I looked over at him and took in his appearance for a minute. He was wearing a Panic! at the disco shirt with white ripped skinny jeans.

"Can I have your number or something? I don't know many people and you seem pretty cool.." He said a little sheepishly. I held out my hand and he handed me his phone. I added my number and took a picture of me and sent myself a text so u had his number, then handed it back.

"Thanks." he said smiling. I nodded In return and pulled out another cigarette. I lit it and took a drag, inhaling the sweet toxin. I looked over at Jason and noticed his mouth was watering. I laughed and handed him the pack and my lighter. He smiled at me and took one gratefully. We walked in silence for a while, enjoying our poison sticks until I came to a stop at my house. I walked up the steps and dropped my cigarette, crushing it with my combat boot. I turned to wave at Jason. He waved back.

"Text you later Nikki!" He yelled before walking away. Yep. I had an actual friend for once. It felt kinda nice. I walked inside my house and luckily nobody was home. I raced upstairs into my room and slammed the door. I pulled out my laptop and put my music on shuffle. The first song that played was Lost In Stereo by All Time Low. I sang along with the song until I heard my phone buzz.

From: Jason

Hey :) you forgot your lighter! ill give it back to you at school tomorrow okay?

I sighed remembering how I let him borrow it. Crap. I texted him back.

To: Jason

Hey:) thanks for reminding me. See you then.

It took him a minute to reply and I found myself anxious to see his name pop up on the screen.

From: Jason

See you then :)

I sighed and threw my phone on my nightstand. I kicked off my shoes and slipped under the covers. I fell into a restless sleep about weird guys and dead friends.

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