Give Me Therapy Im A Walking Travesty

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I took a deep breath as me and Jason walked up the steps to my house. I glanced at him and he had a stern look on his face, like he was ready to kill. I grasped his hand in mine and reached for the handle. The door was unlocked and swung open easily. I gulped and walked in, Jason close behind. I walked down the dimly lit hallway dreading seeing the man who hurts me so much. I reached the corner and looked into the living room. There, on the couch, was my stepfather. He was playing one of his video games with a beer in his hand. As if sensing my presence, he turned and looked at me, making him lose the game.

"You see what you did now you stupid bitch? You made me lose! You can't do anything right can you?" he yelled angrily, rising from the couch. He walked towards me and I felt Jason step in front of me. Daniel looked at Jason and back at me. He laughed evilly.

"So the little slut has a fuckbuddy? Oh this is great! Wait till your mother hears about this! She will be even more disappointed in you. You're such a failure!" he said to me. I didn't want to cry in front of Jason but these words were really hurting me. I sniffed and wiped at my eyes before running upstairs with Jason following. Me and Jason stepped into my room and he grabbed a gym bag from under my bed. He grabbed most of my clothes while I stood there watching him pack my stuff. I sighed.

"Look Jason I have to stay here. I can't keep staying with you. You need your bed back." I said laughing a little, trying to lighten the mood. He walked over to me with my bag in his hand. He zipped it up and shook his head.

"No your coming to live with me. No arguments. It's not safe for you here." He said brushing my cheek with the pad of his thumb. I sighed.

"Okay but I need to change and pack the rest of my necessities. Wait for me outside okay?" I said. He was about to protest but I pushed him out of the door and shut it behind him. I quickly changed into a black Pierce The Veil tee and red skinny jeans. I pulled my combat boots back on and my leather jacket. I did my makeup simple, outlining my eyes, and brushed through my hair not even bothering to tease it. I packed the stuff in my bag and put my extra pack of cigarettes in my back pocket along with my lighter. I stepped out of the room, making sure nobody was there before bolting across the hallway and into the bathroom. I took my blades from their hiding place and slid those in my jacket pocket. Better safe than sorry right? I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. I stepped out of the front door and Jason was there waiting for me. I smiled. He grabbed my hand and we started walking. I heard Daniel yelled profanities at me, calling me every name except a child of god. Jason looked at me and he must've saw the tears in my eyes because he stopped me and made me look in his eyes.

"Don't listen to him. Here." He said, putting my hand on his heart.

"It only beats for you. Don't forget that." He whispered. A smile lit up my face and we continued walking hand in hand. A pang of guilt hit me as I remembered Nilah. I haven't talked to her in a while. Well a few days but still. I looked at Jason.

"Hey um can we stop by the graveyard? I kinda have someone I want you to meet." I said warily. He smiled reassuringly.

"Sure." He answered. We walked to the graveyard and through the old iron gates. I walked ahead on a path I knew way to well. I saw her marker up ahead and ran full speed to it. I heard Jason calling my name but I just wanted to talk to her so badly. I reached her grave and sank to my knees slowly. I positioned my self so I was criss cross and waited for Jason to catch up. When he caught up to me he sat beside me and pulled me into a side hug. I smiled and started talking.

"Nilah this is Jason, my boyfriend. Jason this is Nilah, my best friend." I introduced them. Jason looked at me weird and I shrugged a little, hiding behind my fringe. I guess I should explain.

"Well Jason this was one of my best friends. She died and left me here alone and I hated my self and her for it but now I know that if she hasn't left me alone, then I would have never met you." I said to Jason. I turned back to Nilah's grave.

"So Nilah like I said, he makes me happy and I haven't felt this way since before you died. He's protecting me from Daniel and from myself." I said kinda quietly. I felt Jason's arm around my shoulder as I continued.

"I miss you everyday and it still hurts that I don't get to see your face but I'm slowly recovering from your loss. Anyway I just want to say thank you and that I love you. This may be goodbye for a while but you'll always be in my heart." I said wiping tears from my eyes. Jason squeezed my shoulder softly and I smiled sadly. I kissed my fingers and pressed ten upon her headstone a final time. I stood up and began walking away, tears falling down my face. I was stopped by Jason. He pulled around so I was facing him and he pulled me into a hug. I sobbed into his shoulder, tears soaking his shirt. he didn't seem to mind though as he comforted me, rubbing small circles into my back. I eventually stopped crying. I apologized for his shirt and he brushed it off, saying it was nothing. It was around noon and we walked out of the graveyard and towards his house. We walked in silence. I looked down at my feet most of the time. When we got to his house I was silent. I went up to his room and sat on his bed, setting down my stuff. I hated how I was mooching of of him. There was only 2 weeks of school left and the last week was nothing but finals. Then what? You will leave my brain said. I didn't want to leave but I know I had too. If I leave he will want to come with me. I can't let him leave his mother. she loves him to much and they're all each other has. The guilt is going to kill me. I should never have butted into there lives. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Jason sitting next to me and laying his head on my chest. I sighed and played with his pink hair. I'm going to miss him so much. He looked up at me.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked. I put on a fake smile.

"I'm thinking about my perfect boyfriend." I said. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the whole truth. And there goes the guilt. He smiled.

"I have something planned for later. It's going to be our very first date. Wear something formal okay?" he told me. I smiled. I was going to leave him but I might as well appreciate what I have right now. I kissed him on his lips gently and pulled him off of me. I glanced at the clock and it was 4 pm. Geez time flies.

"What time is this date?" I asked. He looked at the clock then back at me.

"In about an hour." he said smiling. I gasped and jumped up to get ready. He laughed as I grabbed what I needed and ran to the bathroom for a shower. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and showered. I hopped out of the tub, drying my hair and body with a towel. I looked around his bathroom for a blow dryer and straightener and thank god they were lying on the counter. I blow dried my hair as fast as I could and straightened it as well. I teased it a little and my hair was done. I pulled out my clothing selection and smiled. I chose my black long sleeve mini dress that came to my knees that had a blue heart made out of lace right where my heart would be. The sleeves were black lace with tiny roses embroidered in it. I smiled as I slipped it on and fixed my hair. As for my makeup I did a slight smokey eye with pale lipstick. I smiled at my reflection and actually felt good about myself. I made sure everything was perfect before slipping on my leather jacket and combat boots once again. I opened the door and walked out, Looking for Jason. I peeked in his room and he wasn't there. I walked down to the living room and he was sitting there with a red rose in his hand. He was wearing a black dress shirt and Black skinny jeans with black converse. Hi hair was the only color on his whole body. We looked like we were going to a funeral. I laughed a little at the thought and he looked up at me. His eyes widened and he was opening and closing his mouth. He looked like a fish. I walked over to him and he stood up, handing me the rose. I smiled and he laughed nervously.

''You look beautiful." he whispered in my ear. My smile widened.

"You look handsome.'' I whispered back. He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Shall we?" he asked like a gentleman. I laughed.

"We shall." I said to him. We walked out and he walked to his mothers car. I looked at him warily.

"You drive?'' I asked. He nodded his head excitedly. I laughed again and climbed in. We drove to the resteraunt in comfortable silence.

(A/N) hey guys so how do you like the story? should I continue or am I just wasting my time? comment vote and fan please. Okay bai!!

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