Save Me From The Nothing Ive Become

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Shit. He was more drunk than usual. This was gonna be bad. I tried walking around him but he gripped my arm painfully tight. I yelled out in pain and he slapped me across my face. I fell to the ground, tears threatening to fall. He walked over to me and yanked me off of the ground and made me stand up. i leant against the walls for support and he grabbed a basball bat from the hall closet. He hit me in the stomach with it. I tried to resist but got punched in the ribs. He pulled me over to the stove and turned on the burner, smiling wickedly. I realized what he was going to do and tears fell freely.

"Please god no! Please don't do this!" I sobbed out frantically. He shook his head at me and grabbed my hand placing it over the burner. I ripped my hand away before it got burned severely and clutched it to my chest. I looked around for something to defend myself with and grabbed a kitchen knife. He advanced on me and I cut his shirt, and apparently his skin because there was blood pouring out of his wound. He put his hand over the cut and tried to stop the bleeding.

"Get the fuck out of my house you little slut! I don't ever want to see you again! Go fuck some guy on the street! We all know that why your daddy left! Because your a fucking whore!!" he ranted at me. I took a step back in shock. He has told me to get out of his house before and called me every curse word under the moon, but never has he talked about my real father. Makeup running down my face, I threw the knife on the ground and grabbed my book bag and walked out of the door, slamming it behind me. I was still sobbing which made it incredibly hard to see straight. I had to stop every few minutes to compose myself but ended up in hysterics again. Giving up walking I pulled out my phone from my bookbag and looked through my contacts with blurry vision until I came upon Jason's number. I procrastinated calling him. I didn't even know the guy hardly, but we kissed. I wasn't quite sure what we were or even if we were something but I needed him right now. With a sigh I clicked call and waited for him to pick up, chewing my nails in waiting. Finally after a few rings he picked up.


"Hey um what are you doing at this very moment?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"What happened? what's wrong? Where are you?" He asked frantically.

"I'm sitting on the side of some road. I need you." I said quietly. I don't like relying on people but I had nobody right now.

"I'm on my way. Sit tight okay?" he said before hanging up.

I mumbled an okay after he hung up the phone. I shoved my phone back into my bag and felt around for my cigarettes. It was a horrible habit but it calmed me down a little. I lit one and silently smoked it, thinking about what my stepfather told me. maybe he is right. I mean I know I'm not a whore, I'm a virgin for christs sake! but maybe I'm the reason he left. Damn my own parents don't love me. If my mom did she would at least try to stop him. i was broken out of my thoughts when I heard the sound of pounding feet hitting the pavement. I looked up and saw Jason running full speed towards me frantically searching, his wild pink hair flopping everywhere. If I wasn't so fucked up I might've laughed. He finally spotted me and ran towards me and throwing himself on the ground next to me, engulfing me into a hug. I dropped my cigarette and put it out before snuggling into Jason's arms. He may not be my boyfriend but ill take what I can get right now.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?" he asked after a while. I sighed and told him everything about my drunken stepfather and how he abuses me. I heard Jason gasp and tears filled his eyes. They fell upon his perfectly pale cheeks and I wiped them away with the pad of my thumb.

"How can we create something beautiful and then destroy it?" he asked. I giggled and shrugged my shoulders at the song reference. I shivered. All i had was a thin leather jacket and a Tshirt. He rubbed my arms, trying to warm me up and I looked him dead in the eye. It was about time to end this confusion. he asked a lot of questions And now it's my turn.

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