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Chapter Songs:
Anything - Catfish and the Bottlemen
All We Know - The Chainsmokers

Cole's POV:

We walked up the stairs to Delia's old apartment. The diamond ring still on her finger. I couldn't help but smile at the view of the shine against her delicate skin as she unlocked the door. The apartment was quiet as she made her way to her old room. It was mostly empty except for all the boxes that Dylan didn't bother unpacking. I started picking up the still full boxes, carrying them down to the car. The whole apartment complex seemed to stand in silence as Delia and I carried boxes down for what seemed like two hours. Nova never came home last night by the looks of it.

Her room was a mess but her bed was still made. I closed the door quietly. I was at least respectful enough to not go through her room, no matter what she did to my brother. I frowned softly as I looked up at Delia who was taking all of the things she knew was Dylan's out of the entertainment center and shoving them into a box. The ring glittered on her finger. I smiled to myself as I started going through the kitchen, pulling out all the things that I recognized as mine. I had been looking for this coffee mug for two weeks now.

This kid stole so much shit from my house. What even is this? He stole my whole blender and I didn't even notice. If he hadn't of been so distraught, I would have asked him about it when we got home. I glanced at Delia who had stopped packing and was staring at the door. I could hear Nova's voice followed by a man's voice. The apartment door opened slowly, revealing Nova and a tall man that towered over her. Delia, slapped the entire entertainment set in the box. Nova made eye contact with her at the noise. She seemed almost terrified to be in the same room as Delia. The man instantly started towards her, no doubt thinking that we were just robbing the place.

"Get your fucking hands off of me. I used to live here. I'm just getting my things back from that piece of shit," Delia said shoving the man against the wall. The man had a look of bewilderment on his face as we heard Nova's door slam. "Don't think I won't beat the shit out of you like I beat the shit out of her." I saw the click of comprehension on the man's face. He suddenly understood where the bruise on Nova's face had come from. He started to approach Delia again with a look of anger on his face. I caught his arm quickly, pulling him away from her.

"Nova faked a pregnancy and told my brother that it might not even be his so before you start some shit, I suggest you either go to Nova or leave. I don't want to have to beat your ass into the ground," Delia growled at him. "While you're at it, you can tell her to put all of my brother's shit in a bag and hand it over." The man quickly pulled away from me, huffing slightly as he walked quickly to Nova's room, slamming the door behind him. Their yelling echoed slightly through the walls.


Delia's POV:

We had gotten everything but the stuff in Nova's room. I didn't even want to look at her because I knew I would beat the shit out of her again. I aggressively knocked on her door after we got everything else.

"Nova, all his shit that's in your room, put it in a bag. I'll send you an address to meet us at when you have it all gathered up. If I find anything broken in that bag, I'm going to come back here."

"Whatever, Delia. I'll do it. Just get the fuck out of my apartment," she yelled through the door. There wasn't a single sound from the man. I gently kicked the wall as I walked down the hallway back to Cole. He was standing there with the last box. It was full of xbox and computer games. World of Warcraft was sticking out the top. I shook my head gently as I slid my hand over his elbow before walking out of the apartment, slamming the door behind me.

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