Part 5

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Part 5:

Everybody seated in d hall. Aftr sanskar left, every1 ask abt dis to her. She said, she dnt knw anythng abt tat. Whn thy discuss abt dis, sanskar come thr n said to every1

SM: We r gng back to india next week.

Every1 gets happy hearring dis. swara who hear dis jump on to him n hug him tightly n mutter thankz to him. Othrs who present thr laughs seeing thm n advised swara to behave well as she z nt alone nw. swara felt embrassed n hug sanskar tightly which makes othrs laugh more. Thn every1 retire to thr room n lost in thr own thoughts.

Sanskar make swara laydown n cares her head to make her sleep. swara who sees dis ask sanskar

Swara : y r u sitting sanskar? Nt coming to bed?

SM: no shona I hav som office work to complete. So u sleep.

Swara: I thought u will hold me whn im sleep bt looks like u r busy with ur work. Its ok carry I will sleep(said with sad pout face).

Sanskar who see dis smile n laydown next 2 her n took her in his arm. Swara gets happy n place her head in his chest n hug him without disturbing her tummy n closed her eyes for sleep. Bt she couldn't sleep as she both excited n sad to go back to india. She knows sanskar agreed to go back just 4 her 1ly so she askd him abt dis,

Swara: sanskar

SM: hmmm

Swara: u agree to go back to india just for me only?

SM: hmmm

Swara: dnt u want to go back to india?

SM: it doestnt mattr shona. Leav abt tat n all. Just sleep, u need to take rest properly.

Sanskar doesn't want to dicuss abt dis so he chnged d topic. Bt swara who z stubborn doesn't leav tat.

Swara: say na sanskar, dnt u want to go back?

SM(sighed): no shona I dnt want to go n meet thm again. Bt u want our symbol of love birth n grow will be india tatsy I decide to back... (cut off by swara)

Swara: bt sanskar...(cut off by sanskar)

SM: let me complete it first.

Swara: hmmm

SM: and also uttra wants her marriage in her native place n pawan also want to fulfill uttra wish. Tat also one of d reason I decided to go back

Swara: r u nt happy abt dis sanskar?

SM: im happy if u all r happy shona. So plz dnt think too much just sleep . its already late.

Swara: gud nite sanskar (by kissing his cheek)

SM: gud nite(by kissing her head)

Bt no boby get sleep at that night. Every1 rembered d things happened 5yrs bfrn cnt sleep with that.

sorry note,

sorry im quiet busy with my work ntravel tat i cnt post early. sorry to make  u all wait. n thnkz for u support n comments. i try to update next episode soon.  

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