Part 7

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sry friends for late update. actually my mob n lap both got repair tatsy couldnt update. i got my lap 2day 1ly n i start to right my story once i get free frm my wrk. thnk u so much for d peoples who comment my story. im sry i couldnt reply to ur comment personally . the  comments which  u peoples give encourage me. thnk u so much for tat. i try to update d story in regularly hear aftr. thnk u all once again. n sry for lateupate once again .

Part 7:

Sanskar who didn't get sleep, wake up early n left to office by leaving note to swara. Swara who getup see othrside of d bed which felt cold. She undrstnd tat sanskar got up early today. She thought she z in gim. So she decided to get fresh up n thn meet him.

Aftr she got fresh up, she move towards dressing table n drying her hair looking at mirror. Thn she find out d note which is left by sanskar in dressing table. She smiles n took both note n a rose which z kept with note. She kissed d flower n put it flower vase n open d note to read,

Gud morng princess 

I knw u disappointed nt seeing me in d bed whn wake up. Sry dr some urgent work in office so need to leav without informing u. I dnt want to disturb ur sleep so didn't wake u up. I inform uttra to take u for morning walk , aftr tat tak ur food n medicine properly n take rest. If u feel ok thn we will hav lunch together in office. Inform me I will send driver to pick u up. Take care of u n our little princes/princess. Love u both

                                                                                                                  with  Love


swara smile reading his letter n decide to eat lunch with him. He text him "im still angry, u need to makeup with me whn I com thr for lunch. Be ready n free schedule for me" n send it to him n started to dry her hair whn she hear knock on d door n uttra voice,

uttra: bhabi, r u ready? Bhai told me take u morning walk as he hav important work in office.

Swara: ha uttra, I got his message. Just 2 mins I will come.

Uttra: no pbm bhabi take ur time

Saying it uttra started to arrange d bed whn swara cam thr n she said she will mange bt uttra refused n both arranged d bed.

Pawan who z passing by d room hear uttra voice n enter into d room asking

Pawan: uttra, wt r u dng here at dis tim? N swara r u nt gng 4 morning walk? Whr z sanskar?

Uttra who hears dis sighs n ask

Uttra: pawan ,cnt u ask 1 question @ a time. If u give a chance, we will answer.

Swara giggles seeing them lik tat n answer pawan.

Swara: actually pawan, sanskar went to office early today. So he told uttra to take me morning walk.

Pawan who hear dis get surprised ,bcz he knws sanskar, he always put family first thn wt happen nw. He didn't hear uttra who z calling him as he lost ih his thought. Uttra comes near him n shake him to bring him to d present world whn swara started to tease thm,

Uttra: pawan(shakes him lit bit)

Pawan: hmm (looks both swara n uttra confused)

Swara: (with teasing smile) I think he started to day dream as we decided to move back to india n u both soon gng to get married na. pawan com to earth, wait for some time n uttra will be with u in real n forever.

Uttra who hears dis blush whn pawan give force smile to her. He tell thm, thy no need to go alone, he accompany thm. He told thm to wait in downstair n he will come. Saying dis he left d room immediately. swara n uttra look each othr confused n shrugd it n move downstairs to wait for pawan.

Misunderstanding People Destroy RelationshipDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora