Part 12

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Part 12

Doc said everything z normal n she cn travel. Doc suggested thm to do check up once thy reach india, if thy hav any doughts regarding both of thr health aftr thr travel, which thy agreed n left frm hospital. Thy go to swara favorite restaurant n thy orde thr food n waiting for tat. In the meanwhile sanskar said to swara abt his trip n wait for her reply

Sanskar: shona... wo actually.. wo

Swara: wt happened sanskar? Do u want to say somthng?

Sanskar: haan, actually, I need to go to india.

Swara: so wat sanskar. We r gng to india nxt week. Thn y r u saying lik tat?

Sansakar: I want to go 2mrw shona, bcz of office wrk.

Swara z shocked to hear dis n said,

Swara: bt its pawan na, who take care of business in india, thy y u want to go thr 2mrw tat too for business?

Sanskar: yeah, its true. Bt we have to sign 2 deals at same time tatsy. U knw na tat particular branch needs some attention. Its decided in last min, tatsy im saying nw.

Swara didn't reply anything. Thr order came n both start to eat. Sanskar waited for swara reply with lit bit tense. Aftr both complete thr lunch, swara said sanskar to take her to near by park to which he agreed.

In park,

Sanskar: r u upset wit me shona? As I inform u in last moments (with worried voice)

Swara who lost in thoughts com back to sense n look at sanskar who z worried for her. Swara cups sanskar face n said

Swara: sanskar, im nt upset so dnt wry abt tat plz.

Sanskar: thn y u didn't reply anything still?

Swara: actually im thinking abt coming with u 2mrw itself.

Sanskar(shocked): what..? bt shona who will tak care of u thr? Here, mom, sumi maa, dad n uttra, bt thr me n pawan will get busy with office work thn who will tak care of u?

Sanskar doesn't want swara to come nw as if thy saw thm(mm & gadodia) it will be danger to both her n baby tatsy he dnt want swara to come thr alone with thm n try to convince her to come with family members.

Swara: bt u knw na sanskar I cnt stay without u n more over rahul also cnt stay without u. if u want we cn take uttra with us. So tat she will take care of me until u come frm ur work.

Hearing sanskar get lit bit tense as he dnt knw hw to convince swara to stay here. At tat time uttra n pawan who z roaming around saw sanskar car parked so thy parked the car n leave to see wt he dng at dis tim? Whn sanskar thinking abt hw to convince thy hear a voice,

Voice: wt u both r dng here at dis time?

Sanskar n swara turn towards d voice n said uttra , pawan, wt u both r dng here?

Pawan: we r roaming around. We came dis side n saw ur car parked. To check wt happened we came.

Swara: its gud too u both came. Nw tell sanskar to take me with him to india 2mrw.

Pawan who hears dis shocked n tense turn to see sanskar who z also lit bit tense bcz of swara decision.

Swara (continue): we take uttra too so she will take of me till u come frm office. Wt say uttra?

Uttra who hear dis agree immediately which make more tense to both sanskar n pawan.

Uttra: haan babhi Im ready.

Sanskar: after compose himself ask, bt shona wt abt rahul?

Pawan: haan shona wt abt rahul?

Swara: we will take him too. Me n uttra tak care of him to which uttra agreed.

Sanskar n pawan look at each othr n sigh bcz thy knw once she decide thr wont be any change. Espically nw , her moodswing z realy complicated one. Sanskar z d only one who cn handle her. So thy agreed n decide to inform abt dis to thr parents.


sry for late update. caught up with work tatsy cnt update. i try complete dis soon. plz bear me until thn n thnkz for  ur support n sry for nt reply ur command individually. bye see u soon with nxt part.

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