Chapter 1

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Calum walks in the school building, and goes toward his locker where he sees Luke looking at Jordan.

"So are you going to say anything to her, or are you just going to keep looking at her, like some stalker dude?" With these words, Luke got frighted, and dropped his books. "Hey, you every heard of saying Hi, or hello, and not scaring your friend almost to death?" The blond says with a joking scowl. Calum just let's out a chuckle as he gets his books for his class. On Luke and Calum's way they past by Jordan. Every time Calum hears her name, he just instantly smiles. He couldn't help but smile as the two boys past by her. She was beautiful, in every single way in his opinion. He just wish she would stop using guys, and got to actually know them, so he could have at least a small chance.

He may, or may not have, bumped into a wall from looking at Jordan, instead of paying attention, causing his friend to laugh. Their first class was fine, boring, but fine. It was English, and since when is English fun in the mornings?

"My God. Never have I ever wanted to get out a class more." Like groaned as him and Calum were walking to their next class.

"I wish I could agree, but I have math next with Mr. Johnson, and he hates me."

"Oh please. No one can be as bad as Mrs. Matthews. She's so mean, and boring. I love English, but she makes it boring as all hell."

"Yeah, yeah," Calum started as he rolled his eyes. "Just stop complaining, and go to gym. I'll see you and Michael at lunch."

"Whatever." He mumbled as he walked away.

As Calum walks to class, he's mind suddenly wonders to Jordan. She's definitely going to be. challenge. Why would she go for Calum? He's not over-looked, but also not extremely 'popular' as some would say. He was just there, like an average student. Never got in trouble, but wasn't a goody-two-shoes. He was just Calum.

Once he arrives to math, Calum puts he's stuff down in his normal seat, and waits for Ashton, who's usually there before him.

"Ok, so I'll see you tomorrow in the Library after school?" Calum heard outside the door, causing him to turn to the door.

"What the-?" Calum gets cut off by noticing Ashton talkinh to Jordan.

Yeah, sure, whatever. You promise you will be on time, right?" Jordan said with an eye roll.

"Yes, I promise. See then." And with that Ashton walked into the room like he was coolest person on Earth. Calum couldn't help but feel a little jealous when he saw Ashton. Jordan's not his, but he sure does wish so. Calum's had a crush on Jordan since the 6th grade when she moved to Australia.

"How?" Calum asks.

"How what?" Ashton asks with a little smirk.

"You know what I mean. Now. Tell. Me."

"Well, I heard that Jordan needed help in Science, so I skipped the last 10 minutes of gym to go to her class and offer her help, the we walked here talking about it together since her class right now is next door, and well," Ashton paused smiling a little. "You heard the rest."

"Great so it looks like you're in the lead" Cal muttered as he opened his binder to find his homework. "Unless Michael did something we don't know about, which I doubt." Calum said honestly, not trying to be rude, just being honest with himself and one of his best mates.

Great, now Calum actually has competition, and hes not sure if that's a good thing, or bad thing. All he knows is, he's gotta start working hard for Jordan to be into.

"Aw, Cal, lighten up. When I get the money I promise I'll give you at least a dollar." Ashton chuckles next to him before the start of another boring lesson.


ugh, god i suck at endings... and beginnings... and middles, u know what i suck at writing all together. 

anyways, i hope you guys had a goodnight/day. and bye!!

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