Chapter 2

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"Wait a second, Ashton did what?" Luke yelled as he was talking to Calum on FaceTime. They had been doing their homework together for about half an hour, this was the only way they can focus, that way they wouldn't get distracted with twitter and other social medias.

"Yeah, you heard me. He's going to be tutoring Jordan for fucks sake," Calum sighed, although Jordan isn't his girlfriend he was the jealous type. If he liked someone, they were he's. Only he's. Yes it may sound a little possessive, but that's just how he was. He never knew why.

"Like how does that even happen so fast? Like how did he find out Jordan needed help in science in one day?" Luke asked through his phone as he tried so desperately to figure out his own science homework. "Like out of all people he wanted help with science he chose Jordan, like I know this is for the bet, but damn a guy needs help with this shit."

Calum let out a small chuckle, finding his friends small rant amusing.

"This isn't funny, this is real shit, I don't get any of this!" Luke sighed. He really, truly hated science, it was his worst subject. He got good grades it's just he had the hardest time understanding and comprehending the concepts of the subject.

"What are you guys doing in science? Need any help?" Calum asked, he wasn't the best at science, but he got it for the most part. Luke explained he's problem and what they were learning and for the next 20 minutes or so Calum helped Luke with Science. When they were both done with homework, the two boys decided to meet up and maybe get some food since it was only 5:00. Calum and Luke both met up at their favorite pizza place and got two medium pizzas to eat over at Calum's house since he's parents weren't home until around 7. Which is why he got another large pizza for his parents, he figured he's mom and dad could use a break from cooking and just settle down for the night.

At least one person was always at Luke's house. He's brother's moved out, just like Calum's sister, but the only difference is that Luke's mom works from home and rarely ever leaves.

Once Cake got to Calum's house they opened their pizzas, put on Baby Daddy on Netflix and began eating. It was a relief to just be able to sit with a friend and not care about anything other then if Tucker is actually dating a hooker or not (btw one of my favorite episodes lol). "I think she's a hooker, what about you?" Calum asked as he bite into his garlic flavored crust.

"I wanna say yes, but then I'm gonna feel bad because what if she's not a hooker, then I just stereotyped a girl because of how she looks and I don't want to do that." Luke ended with a sigh as he continued to eat his food, finishing he's third slice. "Dude I just asked a question, is that a yes or a no?" The tan boy said with an eye-roll.

"Imma go with a yes. Wait no, a no, but then again she did just tell Dan-"

"Oh whatever, just eat your pizza." Calum said with annoyance as he laughed a little. He loved Luke to death, but the boy could think things through a little too hard.

Tucker's girlfriend ended up being a hooker, and Ben was happy that he was right, but then felt bad about hurting Tucker. This caused Luke to feel a little bit better about himself since he didn't a assume a poor innocent girl to be a hooker... which also caused Calum to roll his eyes... again.

Once the two boys finished three more episodes, Luke decided it was time to drive home since Calum's parents would be home soon. They said their goodbyes and then Calum just sat in his living room, waiting for his parents to come and greet him.


like i said, i suck at endings. but here is an update for you guys, and i love you all have a perfect day/night. love you guys!!


the bet - fivesosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن