Alt (sad) ending

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As blood poured from Rays body which slumped to the floor with a thud, the beast lunged at Kendall and Squid, Kendall getting pinned to the floor by the monster as Squid was knocked into the corner. The beast bit down into Kendall's throat. Kendall tried to break free as she screamed while squirming and flailing. But as she slowly stoped moving and breathing, her arms that here hitting the monster went limp as she let our her last gasp. Squid cowered in the corner as she saw the monster flash it's blood covered teeth her way. Squid Jumped up and Ran over to the kitchen where she looked for someway to defend herself. She saw a large silver butchers knife on the table that was being used previously to carve pumpkins at the party. She stepped over Dans body and grabbed the knife, as she tuned to see the monster right in front of her she pushed the knife in forward, plunging it into the wolfs chest. The beast howled in pain as he stumbled back and fell to the ground. Slowly the transformation reversed to show Paul laying back on the floor with a knife in his chest. "P-PAUL?!" Squid ran over to his body and pulled the knife out. "Oh god Paul please no...I...I don't know it was you...I-" before she could finish talking she felt Pauls hand grab her shoulder tightly. "Hey...hey no tears...or I'm gonna start..." He smiled weakly up at her, his chest wound leaking blood. Squid hugged him tight as her tears got all over his shoulder. "Hey Janelle...thanks for stopping me..." Paul said as his grip on her shoulder got looser and his arm slumped to the floor. He coughed up a bit of blood and smiled at her, "bye Janelle..." Squid stars down at him crying. "No, no Paul please don't leave...I'm sorry...I didn't know..." She slowly felt his heartbeat slow and stop as she clung to his dead body, crying into his shoulder. Later in the morning the police found  the house and all the bodies, Squid was arrested and found guilty of the murder of over a dozen people in the house, and was sentenced to death later that month.

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